I am having a problem with a Yamaha SX200TXRB. The remote tank pump was working but the outer metal case was rusted badly and I thought moisture was getting in causing it to work intermittently or erratically. I replaced the pump motor and it pumps when the emergency switch is activated and it fills the motor oil reservoir, however it is still intermittent when running and occasionally I get a low oil alarm. I check the engine oil tank and sure enough it is low on oil and I need to activate the emergency oil switch to fill it. There seems to be an intermittent signal that tells the oil pump to turn on and fill the tank but there is not enough available published data for me to trace the problem. The float switch in the engine oil tank does cause the low oil alarm to sound, does it also tell the remote oil tank pump to turn on and off? If so is there a test procedure for this?
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