switching oil


Sep 14, 2004
I am thinking about switching from tcw3 2 stroke oil to a penzoil synth. blend.I have been using west marines tcw3 but have found the penzoil blend for a better price.#1 Is there any problem switching mid stream ie.adding the synth. blend right into the tank with tcw3? #2 can anyone who has used the penzoil blend tell me if they could tell the diff. ie. less smoke etc.I run twin 150 carb. 2 strokes.<br /><br /> Thanks PT<br /><br /> Thanks


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: switching oil

After years of testing 2 stroke outboards for many things we have long ago established Pennzoil's synthetic blend as our baseline TCW3 oil. For many reasons. Excellent product.<br /><br />One of the tests was a mix in the oil tank of the blend and a TCW3 oil. Also tested a mix of the two in premix. No problems were found in either scenario. Personally I would run out as much of your existing oil as reasonably possible and then switch.


Sep 14, 2004
Re: switching oil

Thanks DH,<br /><br /> In addition to the fact that it seems that this oil is better in the long run for the engine have you found there to be less smoke with the synth. blend oil as opposed to reg. tcw3?<br /><br /> PT


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 4, 2004
Re: switching oil

Synth. do smoke a bit less, but some find the smoke smell more irritating. In theory the sync is supposed to offer better lubrication. This does not guarantee a longer engine life, if a part fails then they fail; but if all goes good you should get more hours prior to rebuilds; due to the superior film. I have a 1977 outboard for the past 6 years, myself and the owner prior only ran mineral based oil; it is still on its original build and still running good compression. Living on the 25 parallel (like your Miami) I run the engine weekly, most of the time offshore, not sure how many hours, but I would imagine heaps. I’m not sure which oil base offers better residual protection. If you have several weeks between trips, I was told mineral oil keeps the film for longer, but hopefully someone one here will have facts to prove which one is better.<br /><br />So I guess for good oil there are 3 factors<br />1. Sheer factor whilst running<br />2. Smoke amount / smell<br />3. Time of protective coating whilst engine if left <br /><br />Sorry if I diverted too far from the original post.


Sep 14, 2004
Re: switching oil

Thanks for the info.I am going to try the penz. synth. blend.I am still a few months away from getting the boat in the water, but I will post after I have had a chance to run with the synth. blend for awhile.It seems the jury is still out on whether in the long term it will make a diff. on the longevity of the motors,(I think it will)however I will enjoy a little less smoke.<br /><br /><br /> PT