i have a 97 seadoo speedster with twin 717 engines. i've had trouble with one engine beginning starting last summer and we finally after trying all kinds of things had someone diagnose it as the stator in that engine being bad. so we pull the engine and replace it and reinstall. then we try to crank it and when i plug the kill switch in and hit start neither engine starts, just a small click. then i was reminded that it did this sporadically last year. but last year after plugging and unplugging a ew times, we could finally get both engines to spin over. i think the digital kill switch is bad. we checked and double checked all grounds etc, but no spin over. is there a way to bypass it so it will start. and also what is the procedure to replace the switch. i was told last year a dealer had to install and program it. is this true? i need help cause i'm trying to sell it and pick up my new boat.