The swing tongue pin on my trailer is stuck. I started with hammering and applying PB blaster, ATF+acetone, and heat from a propane torch for weeks, but got nowhere. I managed to cut off the top and bottom of the pin so that I can swing the tongue, but the bolt is still stuck in the channel in the inner frame. I drilled through the top and bottom, but the holes don't meet. The top hole has a 7/16" wide hole I drilled, and the hole on the bottom is maybe 1/4". I tried using a ball joint press with a smaller pin (because the base of the ball joint press is a little wider than the stuck pin), but the smaller pin bent. The way I see it, I can keep drilling (those bits aren't cheap), get hotter fuel for my torch, or get a hardened pin and an impact driver to use with the ball joint press. Any suggestions?