swept up sh..oot creek

Aug 24, 2010
Hi all, I'm new to the forums, and boating, been lurking since I bought my first boat a few months back, and figured what better way to start in than to share my own personal darwin award worthy moment.
I was out on a lake here in northern mn over the 4th of july weekend, doing a little fishing, enjoying the second time having the boat wet in the water, and me and my girlfiends nephew decided to anchor down on the edge of the lake where it feeds into a creek, well we weren't having much luck, so I gave signal to pull up anchor, and I proceeded to the helm to fire her up and put it in reverse. Well by the time I reached the for the ignition, the current had grabbed us and started drawing us tward the mouth, panicking I popped it in reverse, and killed it. Right over the mouth of this creek was a walking bridge, a road bridge, and both didn't leave much clearance, I grabbed onto the bridge and held it a few mins, but figuring as much fun as that was, I couldn't keep that up, so I let it rip, we ended up a hundred feet or better resting in some weeds and sand. I figured, ok, we'll just get it fired up and drive it out? Nope. It was too shallow, and started digging the prop. Well, I thought for sure it was just going to end up staying there eventually ending up wherever that creek went. Haha. We hopped out and grabbed ropes, and weren't making much progress at first fighting the current. Needless to say my words would not have flew in church. I could only imagine what passers by thought of this sight. Well, fighting the current, rocks and undertoe, we finally got it under the bridges and walked out to the side safe. Finally got it fired back up and to the dock, where I put it on the trailer, only to get my truck stuck in the lake. I hadn't fixed my 4wd yet. Another boater was nice enough to pull me out since I don't leave home without a tow rope. No I wasn't partaking in adult beverages, don't believe in that with how crazy busy the lakes can get and a guy really needs to be alert and courteous of others. Luckily nothing got hurt but my pride, and since it worked out, can now have a laugh at my own expense. Why some lessons just have to be learned the hard way.... But it has opened my eyes, and I am reluctant to put it on the river, at least til I get it running better and not pulling anchor til its ready to go, with obstacles, trees, and that current is nothing to fool with. That and I learned I don't have to drive all the way into the lake to get it on the trailer. :p

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

It all comes with experience. You absolve yourself of mistakes by learning from them. Even in tidal waters we have to deal with current/wind, shallow water and props.
You don't say what boat you have, but learnign shallow water driving is important. You also have to be mindful of grounding the bow and having current/chop swamping the stern. There are techniques to use the current to lift you off. And were I frequent, the shove pole is the second most essential item.

Motors are finicky, so always count on them not starting: be all ready to go before you cast off.

It's hard to grab on to stuff so have a line ready to wrap around something. When I'm fishing the bridges alone, I keep a big "bumper" handy to drop between the boat and the crunchy concrete. Your throw cushion will work in a pinch. But on river current beware of getting pinned and rolled.

I suggest you go back to that area and mess around in the current, to get to know your boat and the way it handles, practice getting unstuck, etc. but be sure your conditions are safe and you have able help with you, and not panicky family members. Where you are, knowledge of white water canoing may be a big help; the dynamics are the same and nothing like the tide/wind dynamic most boaters encounter (I know both).
Aug 24, 2010
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

I have a older 16 ft tri hull with a 50 horse evinrude. I couldn't get the pin high enough to set the trim up high enough, about the only thing left was to walk it out. I figure its a matter of time before I try the red river up here, but trying to work out some issues to avoid getting stuck out there if I can. I've had it up in some shallow water since, and ran over a log once trolling around a lake that had rose around 5 feet and claimed some trees. Luckily I don't have a ton into the boat.. yet. I think it was more the current that got me off guard. I think most things seem to hone correct initial reaction, or teach one to take steps to avoid if at all possible. I been trying to do as much cruising as fishing to get used to how it reacts and handles in different conditions. I have to chuckle about it now though. I'm sure it won't be my last adventure, can't say I would willingly go back to that that shallow rocky creek, I was lucky enough to not damage it on the rocks or take my head off on the bridge. if it was more controlled or found a better area, I see how the experience could be useful, especially before hitting the red river or the mississippi.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

Sounds like you don't have power trim/tilt.
Does that motor have a shallow draft latch? I know the smaller ones do.
The "pin" is not really made for switching back and forth. Instead, carry a solid stick of wood--I used an old hammer handle--to temporarily prop up the motor. Be sure you don't mash anything you shouldn't. Drill a hole through one end of the stick and tie a string to it, attach to boat, so you won't loose it.

I am SO glad I don't boat around rocks!


Feb 18, 2009
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

Curiosity has got me. How do you get swept up a creek? I've grown up hearing "up sh** creek without a paddle",but I never understood that one either.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

Some learn from sage advise, some of us just had to pee on the elec fence.:D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 20, 2009
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

Just think it only took you the better part of 2 months to finally come out an admit that, that was you in that other post I read back in July :p. The faster you post, the faster we can leave funny comments, have a laugh or two (as long as no-one is hurt) then move on. Even the most experience boater can have a bad day, as long as he can look back, remember and smile. Just think, everytime you cross that path again you'll have a story to tell. Good luck and happy boating.
Aug 24, 2010
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

No power tilt, don't really need it with the motor that's on it. Making a rod to stick in there to keep the prop just in the water is a good idea though for if I get in a pickle again.
Took me 2 months to find and sign up for iboats, not to feel dumb and laugh at myself about it. :). On big pine lake the water is dam'd up by a concrete barrier by the bridges feeding into the creek. The current going into it and over it can get you if you pull up anchor too soon. I guess a lot of northerns hang around there. It happens, didn't spend a lot on my first boat for a reason :p
Aug 24, 2010
Re: swept up sh..oot creek

After that day that creek has been renamed SHT creek, well outside iboats and forums, I don't always use church language.