Re: suzuki or not?????
Hello Inventor, First off I don't own and never have owned a Suzuki. I really did want to buy a DF50 they had such good write up's<br />and lots of nice features on them. I ordered and gave a deposit on one which I have since withdrew.I chickened out,and I think I lost out on a good motor but I was nervous and concerned about the availabilty of parts.Everyone I know that has one loves it and I will always be wondering WHAT IF.I ended up buying a Merc 60EFI 4 stroke mostly because of the dealer support,location and a good 5yr warraanty,I hope it will be a good motor for me.I did not buy the Suzuki because I though it was not a good motor,I just wasn't able to look at the whole picture and feel good about it.<br /> Paul