Champion,<br />Welcome to the greatest boating board.<br /><br />I don't know much about Suzuki's, JB's the expert on them and hopefully he's still out fishing and will deal with your post soon.<br /><br />Sounds to me that you have a carb problem that may need a complete strip down to solve. Just spraying gumout into the ventures may not be enough to get the residue from 5 years of standing.<br />Pulling the carbs apart is not a difficult project if you take care and follow a few simple precautions.<br /><br />1. Buy the manual as it will give you photo's to follow, plus how to fine tune the carbs after you rebuild them.<br />2. If you have a digital, video or Polaroid camera, take photos of all the linkages and their position before you start.<br />3. Only pull one carb apart and re-assemble before starting on the next.<br />4. Any mixture/idle screws, count the number of turns in till they seat and keep a record before removing them to clean the seats and jets.<br /><br />Hope this helps and I'm sure you will get many more tips from the board.<br />Good luck,<br />Peter