On my zodiac pro470 a DT65cl is installed. After changing several parts including the CDI-unit, i'm experiencing problems while running at low rpm.<br /><br />After running at low RPM for some time, it is impossible to increase RPM without stalling the engine. It seems that the engine is getting not enough fuel, i have to pump some petrol in it with the installed pump in the fuel line. (original)<br />When i pressed the pump a few times, I have to "step on it" to give the engine enough petrol.<br /><br />I installed new tanks, fuel lines, fuel filter etc.<br />Could it be the fuelpump or sparkplugs, or what seems to be the problem?<br /><br />Model 92, type DT65CL, powertrim, el. start.<br /><br />Greetings<br /><br />Martijn (The Netherlands)