my advice is dont buy suzuki although I think<br />they are great keep an eye on dealers where<br />you will be going thier parts are expensive <br />and no after market parts remember 1-2 dealers for suzuki is not the same as 10-<br />or more for a mercury this is what haunted <br />me I was told but I didnt listen
Are you sure it is a DFI you want? Or is it the EFI 4 stroke. That model is the DF70. It is a fine engine and can be serviced by Evinrude dealers. Evinrude EFI 70 4 stroke is the same engine with different decals. That doesn't mean that 'Rude dealers can do warranty stuff, it only means they know how to work on it.<br /><br />I have one. I don't regret it a bit. Try<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB
My mistake,JB. Yes ,it is the DF 70 4 stroke,but parts and service do concern me so I would also consider Merc and Yamaha as I think their 2002 models will be EFI.