Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!


Feb 15, 2006
My Suzuki left me out on the water, stopped cold. I have the Maintenance manual, but getting nowhere trying to get it started. The dealerships can't take it for months (Too Busy) and I can and will do anything to figure this out!<br /><br />I have looked at fuel system, changed High and Low pressure filters, (It is getting fuel!) changed plugs, Oil & Filter. Water pump changed also!<br /><br />It threw a code with the alarm system, but I did not catch the sequence on the self-diagnostic. Is there a way to get it to duplicate the code? I cannot figure that out?<br /><br />It cranks over fine, but when it was on the water it would just turn over for a few revolutions, then the starter motor (Bendix) would disengage.<br /><br />At this point, I am frustrated because I do not know what direction to persue, any help appreciated here folks!<br /><br />250+ Hours, all salt water.<br /><br />Thank You!


Jun 7, 2004
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

Hi Tom,<br /><br />Did you check to make sure you are getting spark? Take one of the spark plugs out and then connect it to the plug wire and see if you can get it to arc to the engine block, or a screw driver. Even though the engine is appears to be cranking over, perhaps your stater soleniod is on its way out. If you are getting spark try jumping the stater.<br /><br />Hope this helps...<br /><br />-Craig


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 30, 2002
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

The two most common problems with any Suzuki EFI engine is water in the fuel or poor electrical connections. If you have so much water in the fuel that it will not run, changing the filters will not help because the rest of the fuel system is still full of water. You will have to drain the vapor separator, and if you find water there, you will have pull all the injectors and clean. If fuel is good, check you battery connections. The ECM needs a minimum of 9.5 volts to operate. The check engine light will flash if the voltage drops that low. Poor connections will also spike the ECM and cause it to fail. One simple thing to check is to make sure the grey wire that comes from the main harness is firmly plugged into the ignition switch. Also make sure the emergency stop switch is functioning properly. When you turn the key on, does the alarm sound and do all the warning lights in the tach come on briefly? If not, you have no power going to the ECM, or it's fried.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

It the engine turns over just a couple of times and then the bendix disengages, you might check the battery and cables. Low voltage will prevent the engine from starting.


Feb 15, 2006
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

Thank you gentlemen.<br /><br />So far I have checked most things you have discussed here.<br /><br />All check out good, except I cannot figure out if that ECM is fried. I have changed tanks.<br /><br />I do NOT know where the water vapor separator is located. It isn't in my Service Manual, that I see? And am leery at taking the EFI all apart, but will, if that can fix it! Spark seems good, alarm sounds for the 2 second burst when I turn the ignition on, but as said, I cannot get it to duplicate the warning that I got prior to it failing. Grounds ohm out also!<br /><br />I am still willing to have others who have a possiblity of this problem make reccomendations.<br /><br />I do realize that it's nearly impossible to troubleshoot from afar, but who knows, we may be able to figure it out perhaps?<br /><br />I will report back as to what fixed it, and will also contribute in any way I can to help others out there!<br /><br />What ever happened to the good 'ol days of good service from the stealerships?


Rear Admiral
Jul 9, 2001
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

The serial number and model number would help. If this engine has white single wire from battery to engine check the fuse


Rear Admiral
Jul 9, 2001
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

The code will not clear unless the problem cleared.


Feb 15, 2006
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

clanton, well, as said, the series of blinks on the guage and alarms sounding, only happened when I started and ran it for the last time. I cannot duplicate this for some reason?<br /><br />The Engine Serial # is~05001F-251XXX, I can Email the 3 X #'s but will refrain from posting them due to privacy issue. It is a 2001 DF-50<br /><br />I cannot figure this out as yet, but would love to get this boat going soon, seems to be a problem getting competent service in San Diego....go figure?<br /><br />Any solutions to troubleshoot other than mentioned would be helpful, I have exhausted all methods described here.<br /><br />If it is in fact an expensive computer problem, I wish their was a diagnostic proceedure that I could try. I do have the manual also, but still up the creek!<br /><br />Thanks all!


Nov 2, 2003
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

hi <br />try this if not done allready; if you have a main battery switch, get a jumpercable and put between the connectors, this is a usual problem, OR, there is a valve, IAC that needs to be adjusted, but you cant do this without computer & software -dealer only.. this valve gives the right amount of air when in idel/startup. look at for a picture of the vapor separator, open the screw "10" and fuel / water will drain out of hose "7", vapor sep., is located behind the air intake on the side of the engine.

classic 24

Mar 7, 2005
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

make sure your electric fuel pump is coming on. it will come on for a few seconds every time the key is turned on. if you got water in the system you could have ruined it.


Feb 15, 2006
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

That is working like a champ, it fills the see-through filter up in a heartbeat. Still not able to get her running though!


Feb 15, 2006
Re: Suzuki DF-50 Will not start!

Originally posted by mech:<br /> OR, there is a valve, IAC that needs to be adjusted, but you cant do this without computer & software -dealer only.. this valve gives the right amount of air when in idel/startup. look at for a picture of the vapor separator, open the screw "10" and fuel / water will drain out of hose "7", vapor sep., is located behind the air intake on the side of the engine.
John (Mech) Well last week I had the system tested out with the service center doing a computer diagnostic. They hooked it up , ran the test, no problems or codes bad! 10 Minutes and nearly 100 dollars later, I still had a motor that didn't work!<br /><br />Your reply may be most germaine at this point it seems...thank you!<br /><br />So today, I pulled the spark arrestor/air box off, and found that the choke was stuck in the closed position.<br /><br />After much cranking....It Started...yea!!!<br /><br />The problem now is that it does NOT Idle at all! Goes straight to 3K RPM's and does to 6500 RPM's. It stays running until I max throttle it, then the choke slams shut and it dies. It Is super erratic, as if it wasn't timed correctly, it surges a few hundred RPM about three times a second. The motor swings wildly when I do this also!<br /><br />I also looked through my expensive sevice manual and didn't see how I can adjust the IAC, and before I looked on here that's what I expected also. Pg 2-14 Of the Suzuki Service manual shows how to adjust without the computer I see, though?<br /><br />I will try that in the AM!