First post so thanks in advance if anyone responds. I recently was given a 2003 Suzuki 9.9 outboard from my brother. It was given to him and he never ran it so I have no background on this thing. I started it yesterday it fired right off (after a shot of starting fluid) and ran smooth but I noted quickly it wasn’t putting water out the telltale, a smidge out the exhaust, and ALOT out of the area of the shift linkage. Checked for obstructions in telltale/telltale hose they were clear. Pulled the lower unit and put a small section of fuul line on the water tube in the mid section where it normally goes into the water pump. Hooked that to garden hose, Turned the hose on hoping to see water from the telltale but instead received a shower from water spraying back down from the grommet where the water tube hookes up. I’m guessing this means there is an obstruction in the powehead somewwhere? Has anybody had this problem or a suggestion on my next step.