Re: Suzuki 85
Brian is right, with a short in the kill switch you would have no spark. <br />One thing jimd left out in his post is that the spark needs to come at the right time. Have you checked that your flywheel key is OK? If the key is sheared, you can get your type of problems. I had the same thing happening with a DT 35, ie. anemic spark and no running. With the key replaced, the spark got fatter and the thing ran like a wild animal.<br />Brian, it is not advisable to add questions to a thread. You'll get more help if you start your own. That said, have you ohmed your coils? The trigger coil should be 180-220 ohms, primary side of the coil should be 0.87-1.17, sec side 5020-6790.<br />Cheers,<br />RustEater