I'd like to know the readings folks have gotten when measuring the cylinder head temperatures with a laser/IR thermometer.<br /><br />My motor is a 1991 135-Horse Mercury Black Max. I have been questioning the reliability of my temp gauge on the dash, so I took a reading the other day. I ran the motor at idle for a reading, and at 3000 rpm, prop engaged, for a couple of minutes to warm it up for another reading. This was done in the driveway, on muffs.<br /><br />At idle, cylinder head temps were right at 150 degrees. At 3000 rpm, I got a high reading of 174 degrees.<br /><br />I'd like to know what anyone else has seen, and if 174 degrees seems to high at light load. Please state what your motor is and what readings you have gotten.<br /><br />Thanks all!<br /><br />-dd-