Contemplating buying a new motor. Will be used on a 14'aluminum rowboat type for fishing and general running around on a smallish upstate NY lake. I'm undecided between a Yamaha, Merc or Tohatsu (9.8). Any opinions out there?
The Tohatsu 9.8 has the best power to weight ratio of any outboard in it's class (that I'm aware of). It's well designed, easy to work on, reliable and great value for money, so long as you have dealer & parts support in your area.<br /><br />They have a very informative website too and you can even download the owners manual,<br /><br />
Agreed. Power to weight and what I understand Tohatsu's excellent reputation for quality/durability have me leaning that way. Problem is that the closest dealer is 75 miles away (same with Yamaha), while there are about six Merc dealers within fifteen miles.
I have a '99 merc 9.9 4 stroke. Great motor, head was made by Yamaha I believe. Heaviest thing in it's class....I wanted to use it for a kicker, but it is killing my transom bracket...