Re: Sure lube bearing system ( EZ LOADER )
You probably blew the inner seal, but it's not the end of the world. Look at the inside of your wheels....a blown inside seal will fling a layer of wheel grease all over the insides of the wheels after a long highway run. If there's a lot of grease in there, you need new seals.<br /><br />If you haven't repacked your bearings yet on a 1998 trailer, it's well overdue. Disassemble, inspect, replace bearings and races if necessary, and repack. Reassemble with new seals. This process is considered annual maintenance by many...sounds like it's time for yours.<br /><br />By the way, I'm not exactly sure what "Sure lube" is, but I have several trailers with Dexter Axles that have what is called "EZ lube" hubs. This is a grease nipple inside the dust cap....when you squeeze grease in there the grease feeds thru a small hole in the hub directly to the inside bearing, then after lots of pumping will gradually work thru the hub and feed the outside bearing, then it oozes out all around the nipple where your squeezing the grease in, and you collect the old purged grease in a paper towel and discard. It's a wonderful system that allows a complete bearing repack without having to disassemble the hub. If this is like your setup then you probably blew the seal by not properly adding the grease. On those axles it is recommended to jack the wheel up and spin it WHILE you are pumping the grease, unlike a conventional Bearing Buddy where you can add grease with the wheel stationary. If you don't spin the wheel while slowly adding grease it is very easy to blow the seal on a EZ lube hub.<br /><br />Even if that is your system, most owners manuals for such axles recommend periodic disassembly and inspection/manual repack of the bearings...a process that necessitates replacing the inner seals. I still feel this is what you need to do....