Supreme Court ruling on local Indian tribe


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2004
Finally a little justice for all of us property tax payers around here....<br /><br />They've already taken over 14,000 acres off the taxroll, of which about 35 is actual reservation land. I think if they want to truly be a sovergn nation, it's time to put up a border, border patrol, and cut off the public utilities and see how they fare :mad: <br /><br />Sherrill wins battle with Indian Nation<br />3/29/2005 11:47 PM<br />By: Al Nall, News 10 Now Web Staff<br /><br /> <br /> <br />In an eight-to-one decision, the nation's highest court sided with New York State's smallest city. The Oneida Indian Nation can no longer buy land and declare it tax exempt. City and town officials in the region and beyond are pleased the court's ruling.<br /><br />"Taxes are important to us, taxes are important to any government agency. But there is a bigger issue here too. Quality of life was an important thing here in Sherrill," said David Barker, the Sherrill City Manager.<br /><br />The decision means the Oneida Nation must now collect and pay taxes on all of its properties in the City of Sherrill, but the court's ruling has much broader implications.<br /><br />"Its significance goes way beyond this area. This is a national issue and the Supreme Court decision really speaks to the notion of Indian sovereignty," said Madison County Legislator, Scott Henderson.<br /><br />The lone dissenting vote came from Justice John Paul Stevens saying with this decision the Supreme Court has ventured into territory that belongs to Congress, something the Oneida Nation has always maintained.<br /><br />In a short statement released Monday, the Oneidas expressed regret over the high court's decision. Adding a subtle hint, the nation said it will do everything it can to protect the more than 4,200 jobs it created. Lawyers representing landowners in Madison and Oneida counties, call the court's decision a regulatory victory that righted a previous decision by the court. <br /><br />"These tribes have been going to the United Nations and to other countries of the world as if they were sovereign, independent nations. That no longer can be claimed by them, they are fully under the jurisdiction of the United States," said John Benjamin Carroll, who represents landowners in Madison and Oneida Counties.<br /><br />There is already word the New York State legislature is working anticipated tax revenue from the Oneidas into this year's budget. Some estimate the nation owes the state more than 400-million dollars in back taxes.<br /><br />Legal experts say the case will also affect several land claim issues now in the courts.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Supreme Court ruling on local Indian tribe

That's Good News,...............<br /><br />But,... I'm Sure it Ain't Over Yet........<br /><br />I remember the "Land Claims" of the 70s up in Maine...........<br />The Indians Won Big Money,...... The Reservations went from Run-down Gettos full of Drunken Indians,.......<br />To Brand New Shiney Gettos, Stripped of the Copper Plumbing,+ Aluminum Windows,..... <br />And, Still Full of Drunken Indians.............<br /><br />Don't get Me Wrong..... I grew up with All these people.....<br />Most of My friends have done Great Things for the reservations,....<br />But,.. On a Whole, The Indian Tribes I know, will never get ahead, till the Substance Abuse is curtailed...........


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: Supreme Court ruling on local Indian tribe

I've got my thoughts and opinions on this too .. but I better keep them to myself ... they ain't good. and they ain't pro-'native amarican' BS.. If ya get my point.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2004
Re: Supreme Court ruling on local Indian tribe

They can do whatever they want as far as casinos, gas stations, etc as far as I'm concerned. Why gambling isn't legal in the first place is beyond me. If someone wants to **** their life away gambling, go for it. Sick of people being protected from themselves (kind of like suicide being illegal). I mean, I understand all the crap about "well if we allow gambling people will ruin their lives and then more will be living off the system". Fine...get rid of or at least fix the "system" then. <br /><br />I just want to see them paying their fair share of taxes. And most importantly, they need to get the thought that they're going to have MY 48 acres or anyone else's private property "returned" to them. <br /><br />I mean, back when the government originally bought the land from them, I don't think even my grandfather was a twinkle in his dad's eye much less myself! In other words...I paid for my property fair and square, I am not the one that took (bought) it from you a hundred or two years ago so leave me alone! They want 250,000 acres across two counties returned to them....and although I'd be sure they're not going to be "given" any property back, I'm sure they'll be well compensated for it by the courts :mad: <br /><br />rant OVER! :D