Sukuki 150 or 200HP??

Jim Rogers

Oct 10, 2001
Hey, I just purchased an 89 150HP Suzuki. I was told by the Dealer who sold the motor that the 150 was a 200 with smaller reads and a reduced carb throat. Apperanly they ended up having acceleration problems etc and the solution was to warrenty, to those who complained enough, by installing the 200 reads and throttle body. This story seams to match up with the old guy I bought it from as he said the motor had such problems in the beginning and after much complaint it was finally fixed. The dealer could not say for sure if this motor had been done he said that the way to tell is by measuring the inside throat diameter of the carb. Problem is he does not know how large the 150 or 200 throat is. Mine is 195mm (metric. Does any one out ther know the throat diameter of either a 150 or 200?? <br /> :confused: :confused: