submerged engine


Aug 23, 2003
Near the end of last season, my boat sank at the dock. Appears like the batteries died while I was away on extended vacation. Should have pulled it out.<br /><br />Anyway, I pulled it out of the water and got it started within 1 hour. I let it run for about an hour, and in fact started it up a couple of times before the final fogging for the winter. <br /><br />This season I pulled the starter apart, cleaned it up and the boat started up without any problem. Looks like all guages work except the tach. I will probably replace the starter solenoid. <br />Power Tilt is not working, seems like the "tilt tube" is severely rusted. Also the hydraulic steering is not working. I haven't looked into that problem yet.<br /><br />Are there any other precautions that I should take before taking onto the water?<br /><br />By the way, it is a 1987 Johnson 225.