stupid question - truck at idle or off?


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2004
I have seen and done both, but is there a general rule of thumb?<br /><br />Question is<br /><br />When loading and or unloading the boat should you leave the truck<br /><br />1 - running in park with pb on<br />2 - not running but keys in - in park with pb on <br />3 - not running but keys OUT - in park with pb on<br /><br />I turn it off, with keys in, which is what most people seem to do.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 16, 2002
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

I'd say number 2. I don't think you should run the truck while unloading.<br /><br />I'd leave the keys in. If there in the ignition, they are not going to fall in the water..<br /><br />Joe


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 30, 2004
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

If you leave the keys in the truck but turn the engine off, make certain that you disable the autolocking feature on your car alarm (if so equipped). It is another of those funny ramp follies watching someone try to break into their vehicle while the alarm is going off continuously.<br /><br />I usually leave the truck running though. This way, if the ramp has a drop-off and the trailer falls off it, you might be able to get the trailer out. If the truck is off and the tailpipe is undr water, good luck even trying to start the truck!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 18, 2004
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

It may also depend on whether the exhaust of the truck is in the water or not. To load our boat, we have to go in deep enough that the exhaust is just touching the water. We leave it running so the exhaust does not suck water back up.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

Engine running, window open, (spare key in pocket :) )<br /><br />Launch takes me less than 30 seconds.<br />And retrieve is usually about 90 seconds, why turn it off?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2004
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

I am with steam mill, number 2 with windows down. Reason is I put the boat into the water and then start the engine on the boat and let it idle, then unhook boat from trailer and tie boat along the side of the dock. Wife look after kids and and watch the boat while I drive the trailer out of the water and park it. Same thing when loading boat, wife does not know how to drive with trailer on. So she looks after the kids and make sure their PFD are properly secured.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2004
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

I usually leave my automatic in park, running, with the brake on. With my manual, it's off, in gear, with the brake on. neer had any problems and never really thought much more about it.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

Running in park & braked; also chocked if no one's behind the wheel. If I have children with me & I'm the only grownup, they stay with me; if one of 'em is old enough to babysit, I put 'em in the boat with PFD's on - figure that's safer than wandering on the ramp.<br /><br />Reason I don't shut it off is that even though it's never failed to start under any circumstances, I'd be too embarrassed if it did that on the ramp.<br /><br />BTW, if you're tailpipe's in the water, won't the back pressure kill the engine? Always heard it would. I was taught to stop when you hear the tailpipe bubbling and pull out a tad.<br /><br />jtw


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

I leave it running, even when I am starting the boat and all that. I also leave the drivers door open. It doesnt stay all the way open, but it stays enough. I want to be able to get in and drive it quickly in the event something bizarre happens, like the brake fails, or the boat catches fire (I never start my boat motor with the boat on the trailer because of this). Don't need my truck burning up too. <br /><br />Backpressure of pipe being under water while engine will not kill it. When I had my other boat, I towed it with a little Suzuki Sidekick 4 door. That little rig was up to the rear bumper in water every time, and ran fine with the pipe under water. We used to ford Hummvees in water up to the windshield back in the Army, they alway ran fine and the entire drivetrain was under water except the air intake snorkel.


Oct 6, 2003
Re: stupid question - truck at idle or off?

On when launching, Off when loading. What works best for the conditions. Always have wifey doing one or the other so far.