Stumbles & stalls at idle & when shifting but runs perfect when PCV valve is removed?


Mar 21, 2013
Stumbles & stalls at idle & when shifting but runs perfect when PCV valve is removed?

Hi Everyone...just some quick background info, I had a bad U-Joint bellow so I did a transom rebuild this past Spring and after some difficulty with the new shift cable, I watched Chris' cable adjustment video and all was good (Thank you Chris!). About half way through the Summer I noticed some stumbling while under way that seemed to go away after a few trips. Then the problem got worse quickly. I started to notice rough starts, poor idling and when shifting into reverse out of the dock the engine would stall. About 50% of the time it would also stall when I would float away a bit and restart and try to shift into forward. I could only get it to fire if I gave it a fairly decent amount of throttle but then when I would slow down as I approached the dock later on, it would consistently stall. The gas was stabilized and fresh enough to not make me concerned about bad fuel but I replaced the fuel filter/water separator anyway. I was hoping to find particles in there but all I saw when I emptied the filter into a clear glass was clear gas. I replaced the filter and gave it a Sea Foam shock treatment....I know there's mixed reviews on the procedure but I thought it might help if I had a clogged injector(s) but that didn't work at all. Now I'm in the process of winterizing and can't give up on investigating this problem. It fired right up today but had a horrible idle. What's odd, to me, is that the RPM needle was at a steady 600RPM but the boat was shaking like it was going to bounce off the trailer. I gave it some throttle up to about 1500RPM and it did smooth out considerably but not enough to be considered "normal". The RPM needle was jumping all over the place for some reason but the engine was steady. This may have been a senseless move but I re-checked the upper and lower shift cable adjustments thinking that the new cable may have possibly stretched over the Summer but everything was accurate so I sprayed some carb/fuel injector cleaner down the throttle body hoping for the best, but nothing. That's when I noticed a PCV valve just behind the throttle body with a 3/4" or so short vent line running over to another PCV valve on the top of the port-side valve cover. I decided to remove the valve behind the throttle body with the boat running and the boat instantly ran like it was brand new. No stumbling, no issues at idle, no problems shifting and no stalling (at least on land). I shut the boat off and she started right up and, again, everything was perfect. The second I put that valve back on, all of the problems came back again. I should note, and I'm sure many of you know, that these are really elbows and not traditional PCV valves that you would find in a car that rattle when you shake them and don't when they're clogged. The hose was completely clear and so were the 2 elbows. I don't know if this was a coincidence or not, but removing that elbow from behind the throttle body instantly solved my problem. Now, I doubt the permanent fix is to leave this disconnected, but does anyone have any suggestions on what could be the cause behind this or what I should be looking for? As always, your help is much appreciated!!! - Gary


Mar 21, 2013
Thank you for the response. I was having a minor stumbling problem only at idle a few years back and I replaced the IAC valve with an OEM part and it solved the problem. Do you think it?s likely that this part could?ve gone bad again so soon?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Then the problem got worse quickly. I started to notice rough starts, poor idling and when shifting into reverse out of the dock the engine would stall. About 50% of the time it would also stall when I would float away a bit and restart and try to shift into forward. I could only get it to fire if I gave it a fairly decent amount of throttle but then when I would slow down as I approached the dock later on,

Anything else is possible but these symptoms remind me of the IAC

Put a scanner on the motor and check for codes


Mar 21, 2013
Dumb question but where on the engine is the port for the code reader and do you use the same OBD reader that you use for cars?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
The DLC on top the motor and will have a cover cap. Search for DLC connector and it will show what it looks like. It also takes a Merc or Techmate scanner and a OBD will not work


Mar 21, 2013
Think your issue is the Idle Air Control (IAC) valve, item 16 in link below

If the IAC goes out at has a real hard time idling, and will also cause running issues

My apologies because I know that it's bad practice to resurrect an old post but, unfortunately, I didn't use my boat all Summer 2018 and I'm just de-winterizing today and I'm determined to fix this problem operating under the assumption that the IAC valve is the culprit. I fired her up today and she started on the first shot. Still stumbling while connected to the muffs until I raised the RPMs over 2K. After I shut her down and was draining the oil, I decided to remove the existing IAC valve. It was spotless and I was hoping for a black carbon mess. I decided to go inside and get the new IAC valve that I picked up from my local Merc dealer and saw a noticeable difference that made me feel better, however, I don't claim to be an expert on the inner components of the valve. As you can see in the picture, the new part is on the left and the old on the right. The new part has a brass extension piece that connects to the end of the rod that comes up through the black plastic or rubber plunger with a spring around it and then fits neatly up into a 1/4" sleeve that you can see in the picture. I'm purely speculating, but I'm assuming that without that spring, the pintle had no way of opening and closing when the engine was calling for it to, therefore causing my problem....fingers crossed. I still have to finish the oil, the outdrive gear lube and the plugs and, of course, I need to test it in the water but I would very much like your thoughts based on what I discovered today between the two parts. Thanks very much! - Gary



Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
There is no issue with the original Poster (op) you to post more even with a real old thread. The OP can always start posting again their thread

As for the looks of the IAC unable to say, but could be newer design