student tracking IDs, security vs freedom


Jun 30, 2004

that's just wrong.
i remember when my boy was in public school. he had to wear an id. he didn't like it and put up much resistance. i sided with the school and told him to wear the darn thing (which in the end he did do). if it had a tracking id in it, i would have sided with my boy. it's not for the public officials to track everyone. they don't need to know all... that was my job as a parent to know where and what my boy was up to.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
i believe Ben Franklin said that... seems true to me too.

i feel this way about cell phone tracking and public cameras everywhere too (or any other tracking devise too)... i believe in security. but not at the cost of freedom...
were gonna go down the tubes in the name of security imho.... in the end. i believe there will be ramifications to these behaviors too.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

that's just wrong.
i remember when my boy was in public school. he had to wear an id. he didn't like it and put up much resistance. i sided with the school and told him to wear the darn thing (which in the end he did do). if it had a tracking id in it, i would have sided with my boy. it's not for the public officials to track everyone. they don't need to know all... that was my job as a parent to know where and what my boy was up to.

i believe Ben Franklin said that... seems true to me too.

i feel this way about cell phone tracking and public cameras everywhere too (or any other tracking devise too)... i believe in security. but not at the cost of freedom...
were gonna go down the tubes in the name of security imho.... in the end. i believe there will be ramifications to these behaviors too.

Hey, they have a choice to participate or not.

Unless you live in a cave in the side of mountain in a third world country, it is a reality of everyday life for the past 30+ years. Every transaction, every keystroke, every check you write is stored in a database somewhere. Today’s technology just makes a whole lot easier to track down
Feb 17, 2012
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

its a diffrent generation and i can see some benefits to tracking as a whole but the system can be used for the wrong reasons. if its used to track the groups and tied in to systems like lighting and registration then it has its benefits if its trying to track a single person then its a problem. as a adult i know a few simple tricks to get around the system so im sure any child who is way more high tec wouldnt have a problems cheating the system to the point it could be used in there favour


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

If you are going to hold the School System responsible for you child's education, well being and safety, I do not see how you can not abide by their systems. If you disagree with the School Systems methods you can always home school your children.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

If you ever wonder why my home is called The Hideout, this is a good answer. There is no such thing as privacy any more, and closely following is Liberty.

I am glad I won't live to see it get much worse.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

If you ever wonder why my home is called The Hideout, this is a good answer. There is no such thing as privacy any more, and closely following is Liberty.

I am glad I won't live to see it get much worse.

You ain't goin' anywhere, JB.


Jul 19, 2010
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

Ziggy, while I appreciate that you know your "responsibilities to your child", sadly enough, systems like these are in place because so many parents DON'T. Not saying I'm a fan of a tracking chip, just wanted to point out that there are far more children rearing themselves these days than there ever has been. My wife's a 2nd grade teacher and some of the stories I hear are just heart wrenching.

Personally, I think we've played the whole "victim card" so much that it's gotten totally out of hand, to the point that schools are getting desparate to find a way to just do their jobs. Just the other day, here locally, a music teacher puts a kids face in his hand to get him to look at him and tells him, "You will NOT talk to me that way". He was just fired. Oh, forgot to mention, the kid, who had just thrown a chair across the room, called the teacher a "piece of sh*t, as#&ole, mother-f*&ker". He's a 3rd grader. Parents were so the teacher.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

Sure they have a choice to participate or not, but, here are the ramifications if you don't....

Without the badges -- required to be worn around the neck -- students cannot access common areas like the cafeteria or library, and cannot purchase tickets to extracurricular activities. WND reports that the district has threatened to suspend, fine or involuntarily transfer students who fail to comply and officials have noted that "there will be consequences for refusal to wear an ID card as we begin to move forward with full implementation."

I don't mind ids, but tracking ids, I don't think so.....

In California, the Anaheim Union High School District is also in the midst of testing a GPS tracking program. From Salon:

Each school day, the delinquent students get an automated "wake-up" phone call reminding them that they need to get to school on time.

You've got to be kidding me. The school doesn't raise my kid, I do..........

Big brother has been around for awhile, still doesn't make it right.....


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

Sure they have a choice to participate or not, but, here are the ramifications if you don't..

..............In California, the Anaheim Union High School District is also in the midst of testing a GPS tracking program. From Salon:

Each school day, the delinquent students get an automated "wake-up" phone call reminding them that they need to get to school on time.

You've got to be kidding me. The school doesn't raise my kid, I do..........

Big brother has been around for awhile, still doesn't make it right.....

do WIMUSKY, but I'll bet the parents of kids receiving the wake up call do not.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

I don't necessarily agree with the tracking id, but I have said for years that we would not have juvenile delinquents if we did not have delinquent parents. There would still be a few but no where near the problem that we have today.

Wind dog

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2012
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

Welcome to the Nanny State.:(


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

Who exactly is big brother, Gov, school district, google, facebook??

(which one is watching you the most??)

It is to bad life has come to this but there are crazy people out there, 5 years of age and up!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

that's just wrong.
i remember when my boy was in public school. he had to wear an id. he didn't like it and put up much resistance. i sided with the school and told him to wear the darn thing (which in the end he did do). if it had a tracking id in it, i would have sided with my boy. it's not for the public officials to track everyone. they don't need to know all... that was my job as a parent to know where and what my boy was up to.

i believe Ben Franklin said that... seems true to me too.

i feel this way about cell phone tracking and public cameras everywhere too (or any other tracking devise too)... i believe in security. but not at the cost of freedom...
were gonna go down the tubes in the name of security imho.... in the end. i believe there will be ramifications to these behaviors too.

You could always move to Canada, I hear they have it a lot easier up there and are much more liberal than we are in the US.

Does anyone else find it unusual that people will micro-chip their pets... but won't do the same for their children?

I wonder what the story would be with that little girl in Colorado that vanised on her way to school if she had been implanted with a tracking chip?... not just a card that can be taken off and thrown away, an implant!

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

I realize that tracking is getting way out of hand and the ones that really need tracking arnt, the convicted felonys need a permanent tracking device in stalled.

Wind dog

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2012
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

You could always move to Canada, I hear they have it a lot easier up there and are much more liberal than we are in the US.

Does anyone else find it unusual that people will micro-chip their pets... but won't do the same for their children?

I wonder what the story would be with that little girl in Colorado that vanised on her way to school if she had been implanted with a tracking chip?... not just a card that can be taken off and thrown away, an implant!

The problem is not what it's used for, It's WHAT it can be used for.


May 17, 2010
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

Hope all of these folks against RFID ID cards never want to get a job. ID cards with RFIDs for tracking and security have been pretty common for the last 10 years or so.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

.... I hear they have it a lot easier up there and are much more liberal than we are in the US.

Ummmmm....what's the word I'm looking for without getting into the political arena?

Oh yeah....NO!

Our pinheads would be much more likely than your pinheads to pass something like this....they just aren't "smart" enough to have thought of it. :facepalm:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

Poster from George Orwell's "1984": "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU".

So long as the motives are benevolent it seems there is no harm, but if big brother can "watch", what about the evildoers?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 17, 2011
Re: student tracking IDs, security vs freedom

umm ok fellas. the rfid system is verrry short range. you ever seen them used in pets? the tracker is scanned on the pet to read the id rfid tag.
by the looks this will only track while they are IN school. at certain points. The rfid does not have the range to be able to track the kids if the say, goto a shop away from school, it will however let the school know they have left the school grounds. and if your parranoid about whats on a card, go buy a rfid scanner reader and look whats stored. usually just a number so there is nothing there to worry about. we used the same id systema t the last place i worked. they didnt even know when we went out side for a smoke untill we had to re enter the building.
JB. if big brother wants to watch where the child goes while IN school he is wasting your govts funds lol
even our communist govt doesnt try that stuff with us lol