Stuck Bearing Races


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 4, 2001
So I notice a squealing noise last week while pulling my pull to the lake. The hub was extremely hot. So I think well, maybe the bearings are going. So I pull the wheel & hub on the left side, the inner bearings have disentegrated. So I put it on a jack stand & proceed to the right side, this was even worse, There was no inner bearing left (guess I should of noticed the angle the wheel was sitting at). <br />Now I have two axles, both with inner races that don't want to come off. <br />1st off, is there a simple way to remove them?<br />2nd: If I do manage to get them off, do I need to do anything with the spindle? Is it ok? It looks ok. But will the hub seat ok? <br />3rd: Assuming I've gone this far, I assume my best bet would be to buy new hubs - prefit with bearings?? <br /><br />Let this go out as a warning when buying a boat & the owner says, "Oh I recently repacked the bearings" that you should check them. (I did have the dust cover off when I put on bearing buddies, the outside bearings looked fine, so I assumed the insides were greased, how wrong I was)<br /><br />Thanks for any help & suggestions. I think I can rule out "take it too someone" as I don't think the trailer is moving anytime soon.<br /><br /><br />edit: If it matters, it's a single axle trailer, no brakes.<br /><br /><br />As usual. I search after a post & I found this.... Is this a better option? <br /><br />
You might consider replacing the axle assembly with a standard axle/hub assembly with straight spindles. It may be much less costly than trying to repair an older unit. The axle is bolted on the springs with two U bolts. If you measure the distance between the springs and know the gross weight of the trailer, you can get a replacement unit with new hubs. A generic 72 inch (between springs) 2000lb axle with new hubs for 5 bolt wheels cost me $72 at the local trailer supply store.<br /><br />If you don't do that sort of thing yourself, I'm sure your local boat dealer or even the corner service station could change the four U bolts and put your wheels on in less than an hour.<br /><br />Good Luck<br /><br />Roger


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 19, 2003
Re: Stuck Bearing Races

Well, that certaily was a good deal on an axle and hubs. The last axle I bought cost me right around $140 delivered, no hubs were included of course.<br /><br />I am very much suprised that your managed to fry the inner bearings without destroying the outer ones. Its the outer bearings that ususally go first.<br /><br />OK, you've got the hub off and what seems to be the remnanats of the inner race looks like it has welded itself to the spindle. You didn't say anything about the size of your trailer so I'll assume that rather than one of those garden cart sized trailers you actually have one with the more standard sized axle/hub combinations on it. The most common of these uses a 5-lug hub with lugs on 4.5" centers. This is sometimes called the "Small Ford" pattern. Most of these things use 1 3/8" inner bearings and 1 1/16" outer bearings. Replacement hubs for these things can be bought lots of places but if you've got a couple of days go to Champion Trailers and get the ones you need. A standard 545 hub with bearings and seal should run you right around $25.<br /><br />When you fry a set of bearings it rarely gets so hot that it actually welds the inner race to the spindle, though it does happen some time. Break out the sharp small chisel. Have at it. Don't be afraid, you aren't going to harm anything. A faster way is to take an angle grinder to it. Make absolutly sure you wear eye protection no matter how you do it, but get it all off of there. Do not be overly concerned about how the spindle looks though.<br /><br />Once you have it off of there take the angle grinder and clean it up. Have a new bearing handy when you do this and constantly make test fits. What you are trying to do is grind it the minimum necessary so that the bearing can be slipped onto the axle and back off by hand with minimal pressure. Of course you try to be symetrical about your grinding too but if you use a grit wheel (looks like heavy duty sand paper) you will not take too much material off of the spindle. You would be simply amazed how bad a spindle can look and still function just fine.<br /><br />Now, about ordering axles, which is what you have to do sometimes. You need a couple of measurements, only one of which is the spring centers. You also need the distance from one hub center to the other. If you look at the on-line Champion catalog it will show you where to measure. I have bought a couple of axles from them over the years. It normally takes about a week from the time you call in the order until the UPS truck arrives with your axle. If you decide to replace yours a new set of hubs probably makes sense. Get them at the same time. If one of your hubs can be saved, which is usually the case, then order a replacement set of bearings for it as well. After you have the new axle on take the old hub and replace the bearings with freshly packed new ones and then pack the hole in the hub full of grease too. Install the seal and then using duct tape cover over the big end hole. On the other end stick a thrust washer, cotter key, and axle nut (get spares from Champion) in there and then seal up that end with a dust cap or bearing buddy that is knocked into the hole about half way. Take that and stick it in the tool box of your truck. If you ever have a bearing failure out on the road you will name your first born son after me in thanks for having suggested this to you.<br /><br />Also, it would appear that you are probably a little bit new to this, so here is a link to an article I wrote about how to deal with these things. I hope it helps you out. Wheel Bearing Article <br /><br /><br />Thom


Jun 2, 2004
Re: Stuck Bearing Races

I don't know how well equiped your tool box is so I'll give you a couple of methods.<br /><br />Heat the races up with a tourch untill glowing if possible. Use a hammer and a chissel to tap race off. A small blow tourch should be enough. A pipe wrench may come in handy.<br /><br />Use an angle grinder, die grinder or cut-off wheel to cut though race. Remove with a hammer and chissel.<br /><br />Clean up spindel with emory paper. I recently replaced all of my bearings and seals for @ $25.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 4, 2001
Re: Stuck Bearing Races

Thanks Thomas. I just bookmarked your page for future reference.<br /><br />I don't think the races have "welded" themselves on, they both will spin, but not come off. <br />Should I even replace the hubs? They are old & rusty looking but they appear ok, no missing studs/etc. <br />I guess the main part now is getting the old races off.


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Stuck Bearing Races

You should be able to get the races out & salvage the hub. Put the hub on some concrete, take a long punch, heavy hammer & put the tip of the punch on the edge of the race from inside the hub. Whack away - - -


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 4, 2001
Re: Stuck Bearing Races

Thomas. I've sent you an email. <br />Thanks<br /><br /><br />Oh. and to anyone wondering. I am going to order new hubs. My local stores want $15.00 for bearings alone. I can get new hubs with bearings & new lugs (which I was going to replace anyways) for $25.00/side. Just ask Thomas, my old hubs look pretty bad. <br />I think I bought someones headache :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 4, 2001
Re: Stuck Bearing Races

Another update. Found new hubs locally, a bit more money but I didn't have to wait. They came prepacked & assembled. <br />I used a propane torch & heated the old races to get them off the spindle. Hammer & chissel(sp?) did the job. They came off quite easily.<br />I'm glad I caught this when I did & not 100 miles from home. Like I said earlier, the inner bearings were destroyed, no grease on the left side, the right side bearing was completely gone. <br />Scary.<br />On a side note. I opted for regular dust covers instead of putting on my bearing buddies. I think this will remind me to repack them more regularly.