Re: stripers
The Sacramento River north of Colusa and especially this time of year, is truely sport. And yes it's a game of patience and dues.<br />North of the Giannella Bridge(Chico), it's especially so.<br />It's been a long, hard learning curve for me. Most lessons learned by catching Stripers accidently. <br />Here, as defined, the use of any finfish (live or dead)as bait is unlawful.<br />The past month, randomly, with minimal time spent, I've boated a dozen shakers and three at 22-24", one at 27".<br />This was pretty good since the river temp dropped 5deg. with the increased outflow from Shasta's coldwater gates.<br />All my fish are caught casting jigheads/grub swimtails, jerkbaits and bucktails. <br /><br />I'll be on the river camping this Sat.&Sun. I'll be running from Red Bluff to Chico trying for that 30-40 pound snapshot.<br />Stripers are the crown jewels in my boat. I'll trade five 30lb. King Salmon for one 15lb Striper anyday.