stripers' fancy diet a pain in the bass

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Lobstermen say stripers' fancy diet a pain in the bass<br />By Laura Crimaldi<br />Friday, April 29, 2005<br /><br />Apparently, the striped bass is celebrating its population rebound with a lobster feast. <br /> <br /> More than 20 years after the region's striped bass population hit a low of 5 million, about 50 million stripers are swimming the Atlantic coast looking for a lobster dinner as lobstermen watch their livelihood be eaten alive. <br /> <br /> There are some people who say (the striped bass) are following our boats,'' said Massachusetts Lobstermen Association Director Bill Adler, whose agency is trying to stave off a lobster shortage by stocking the waters with millions of baby lobsters. <br /> <br /> Adler doesn't think the striped bass' appetite will force consumers to swallow higher lobster prices this summer, but that may change if the hungry stripers keep chomping on crustaceans. <br /> <br /> We found lobsters in striped bass stomachs, but we can't estimate how much of the lobster population that they are really consuming,'' said Gary Nelson, a senior marine fisheries biologist for the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries<br /><br />

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: stripers' fancy diet a pain in the bass

:) That's a lot of "CRAP"!!!! <br /><br />Commercial fishermen and lobstermen always need to put the blame where it don't belong!!!! they believe it has nothing to do with over fishing !!!Come around my way and you can walk for miles on lobsta bouys!!!!! You don't hear these guys blaming cod fish for eating lobsters!!! They had no problem lobstering in the 50's when the striped bass was in abundance!!!<br /><br />1300 lobstamen in this state, 800 trap limit per boat!!! So, would you say that that does not have an impact!! And don't forget the 10 pot licenses and the 100 pot for school kids!!!!!<br /><br />So let's blame it all on the fish!!!! <br /><br />In all the years that i have been striped bass fishing ,I've only seen lobsta in only 2 striped bass!!!

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: stripers' fancy diet a pain in the bass

In the old days (early 1900s), at clubs like Cuttyhunk, they fished for Stripers exclusively with lobster tails! Stripers love their lobster :) <br /><br />At the old fishing clubs, the gentlemen would come down to the jetty where their servants would have all the gear ready with hooks baited with tails.... imagine?

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: stripers' fancy diet a pain in the bass

:) I was wondering why I couldn't catch stripers in the winter!!!! :D <br /><br />Lobsta at one time was known as poor mans food, cause there were so many of them!!!! <br /><br />Ralph<br />do ya fish from a boat??? ;) :cool:


Jun 16, 2004
Re: stripers' fancy diet a pain in the bass

Guys,<br /><br />Yes, the stripers & cod (and other fish) are eating lobsters, crabs and other crustaceans because their traditional food - menhaden, herring, etc. - have been overfished! Commercial harvesting of these forage fish, which are high in fat, has forced the stripers to feed on other goodies. That's one of the reaseons stripers' weight/length ratio is declining. Let the fisheries managers here your voices at the hearings to prevent commercial overfishing. Yeah, I know, the recreational fisherman buys these baitfish, but most of the commercially harvested baitfish ends up as catfood and fertilizer.


Mar 5, 2005
Re: stripers' fancy diet a pain in the bass

Thou art a dumb cluck Biggus ****kus