Re: Stringer Vs Cobra
"Stringer" describes several different OMC drives from 1964-1985
"Cobra" describes 3 or 4 different drives from 1986 to the mid 90's
would need to know more specifics to give my answer as I think some stringer drives (mainly the last generation of 800 series 1982 to 1985) are better than most Cobras for a trailer boat. Some Cobras ok, others not. A small number of the last Cobras are actually Volvo drives which is cool. Some Cobras can replaced by an SEI conversion Mercruiser style drive which is handy, others can't which makes them worse.
The easy answer is to just not buy OMC.
When looking for 20+ year old boats, I would only look for a Mercruiser Alpha One or MC-1 drive behind a Chevy engine.
Parts, labour, and knowledge are available for less $ with that than any other setup.