I am going to try to strengthen up my transom for the existing motor bracket that is already on there. You may have read me talking about this a couple weeks ago, but the fiberglass is only about 1/4" thick right now where the bracket is mounted and they just had a couple strips of 1/4" plywood behind that. Anyways, I am going to take some 3/4" and cover as much area as I can in there (all the way to the corner of the boat to where the trasom is thicker where the stern drive is mounted) and then fiberglass the new wood into and around both corners. Actually, where the stern drive is, there is some plywood running perpendicular to the trasom, so I was going to fiberglass it into that to give it the strength from that. Does this sound good or am I missing anything? I have an OMC mount with the hydraulic that is rated up to 15HP 2 stroke. I showed it to a couple of dealers and they said it was a real good bracket. Anyways, this will give me a couple extra days to decide on what motor to get too!