I have an 89 wellcraft Nova Spyder twin 454/330's with 400 hrs on the motors and the starboard motor is over heating. Bravo outdrives/ no pump in the lower unit. When I start them the one it always rises to tempature faster than the other and it is by 10 deg while ideling. When I plane off and run the temp difference is by 40 deg, as soon as I come off plane the motor temp drops in about 5 minutes. The alarm system never sounds and it has been up above 200 deg. I have replaced the impellar, replaced the thermostat, cleaned the risers, changed the temp sending unit, swapped the gauges on the panel and still can not figure out the problem. I have flip flopped the thermostats and sending units, no luck. I have pulled hoses to see if the pump is pulling water and the flow looks good. I have no clue on what to do next, I have the mechanical ability to fix it myself if I knew what the problem is. Experience and knowledge required from someone that has dealt with this problem, thanks! <br /><br />All that took place last year. I pulled the Risers and exhausts and was told that they were wasted, rotted away and the Mechanic I have been questioning says that I' extreamly lucky I don't have a wasted engine....never the less I still have a strong motor with a heating problem!!!! <br />I bought new Risers and manifolds, replaced last week. Prior to that I had the outdrives serviced and there was no obstruction that he could see. I have no clue on what the hell to do next. I have inspected the water circulating pump and all the interior parts to that are metal, looks good to my eye. The motor gets hot but not as hot, and it doesn't get as hot as fast. Once again at plane and running is when the heat rises. It use to get up above 200 and no alarm, now it hits just below 200. When I come off plane and go into nuetral it cools back down to the 150 mark. The other motor runs a consistent 150/160 temp. 420 hours on the motor, Chesapeake bay/bush river water ways. Is there anyone out there that can tell me what the hell is the problem??????? Do these engine finally get to a point that they need rebuilt? Getting extreamly desperate!!!!<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------