I have a 1995 Mercury 115HP Outboard motor. Only had the batteries replaced since it has been new.<br /> I noticed a few months ago, that afer I had charged the batteries, I would still have problems starting the OB. I replaced the batteries and check all the cables. Everything looked good. Then after being on the lake for a few hours, stopping and fishing, then starting up and running for 15 minutes or so. I noticed the starter would engage the fly-wheel, but not turn the engine over. It would sound like my battery was bad. But is was not...It almost is like the starter is getting hot?? and not turning the engine over, OR maybe the starter selinoid (sp?) is going out...What would be a good test, for either one of those parts? Could the bendix or brushes in the starter getting bad? I have had this problem now for the past 2-3 months. Everytime I go out, I have this problem. I have the convidence that it will start after a couple tries, but one time it might not.....Ruin my fishing trip! <br /><br /> Any idea's? My mechanic told me I have a good starter, but then again, he tested it after one or two starts. It started without a problem...