Re: Starting after period of inactivity
Things you will need to do.<br />1. fill your cars gas tank up half way<br />2. take the gas from your boat and put half of it into your car then the other half in another car or when the first one runs out of gas.<br />3. add new gas to the fuel tank and with the right oil mixture<br />4. check the engine for rats, spiders, or any other animal that could of gotten into it.<br />5. Check all rubber parts, they should not be brittle.<br />6. clean the carburetor if it had gas in the bowl<br />7. check the impeller, it should be ok. <br />8. grease all grease points on the outboard<br />9. replace lower unit lube<br />You also want to check the trailer and grease the axles, <br />10. check the trailer tire preasure <br />11. greese the prop shaft