Hi, Mako.<br /><br />Maybe, probably not. Your Bendix gear may be stuck or you may not be getting sufficient current to the starter.<br /><br />Manually raise the Bendix gear. Lubricate the threaded shaft and work it up and down a few times. Move smoothly now?<br /><br />With a voltmeter, measure battery voltage with the starter engaged. It should not drop below about 9volts. Now measure the voltage from the starter hot terminal to the block while engaged. It should not be below about 1.5volts lower than battery voltage. <br /><br />If you are not seeing adequate voltage at the starter you have at least one bad cable or cable connection in the high-current starter circuit. The most common connection that causes this is the negative battery cable to block connection.<br /><br />Let us know what you find. Good luck.