Spring break next week - four days of fishing


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Spring break is next week, five days camping at a powerplant lake (Fairfield) stocked with redfish, aka red drum, looks like this:<br /><br />
<br /><br />It's a coastal fish stocked into some of our warm-water lakes. <br /><br />This is also a great bass lake, but while I'm not bass fishing I plan to do some trolling. Lake record for these is 35 lbs.<br /><br />Local advice is trolling with Norman DD22's and series 200 Bandits. Any advice I could get on trolling would be welcome. Without downriggers. They say you don't need to get deeper than 17 feet or so. I've read up on planer boards & I'm not going that route. This trip, anyway.<br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br />They also say fish at night with live bream or shad. Or tilapia which the lake also has in abundance. Except it's a violation of state law to fail to immediately eviscerate any Tilapia you catch.