sportjet 90 issues


Jul 11, 2010
I recently bought a 94 sugar sand mirage with a 90hp force jet motor. I've taken it out a dozen times and It ran great. The last time I took it out, it was cold blooded and took a while to start but then ran perfect. I went to take it out the day before yesterday and it started up, idled for a minute and then died and did not start again. I charged the battery, checked the fuel line(I believe it is the original line) and it had a steady stream with just a slight pulse. I know that once it starts to pulse I have to rebuild the fuel pump but I think it is fine right now. I took the carbs apart and they were in perfect condition(I noticed the top carb was not original.) I also tested them and they closed when I fliped them upside down and blew into the intake. I did notice that the plated mounted on the front of the carbs(im not sure the name) has a fitting on the bottom where i believe the excess gas would go and recurrculate but there is no hose. I have no idea where it is supposed to go. I checked the spark plugs and they were nice and wet and not white. I don't know much at all about the electrical on boat motors so I would appreciate a walkthrough to help me find the problem. I know that there is two diffrent stators red and black but is there a way to tell the diffrence without removing the flywheel. Thanks alot.

Serial = 0e063536

If there is anything else you need from me please feel free to ask.
Jul 29, 2010
Re: sportjet 90 issues

sticky posted it some where the other day red and black from under the fly wheel to switch box its a black green and white and white and green to switch box its red no switch box you have the other thing for get what to call it and it may be red and blue on the black one.
Jul 29, 2010
Re: sportjet 90 issues

had something like this happen yesterday I unhooked the black and yellow from the switch box with is what kills the boat when you turn your key off(had to choke to turn off)boat ran good all day it would just shut down and not fire back up?????? then it worked fine later. don't know it that was the cause but it ran good after that. I have the red stator. so may be a different color on yours


Jul 11, 2010
Re: sportjet 90 issues

Thanks for the info and the quick responses. It is the red stator.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: sportjet 90 issues

OK Column , start bu looking at the post at the top of this section "sport jet basics" and post results of all tests .

Crankypants , do the same and please open a thread for your boat , these things have so many parts combinations that work I will not work a thread with 2 boats in it .


Jul 11, 2010
Re: sportjet 90 issues

UPDATE: I got the boat running. I noticed that the throttle handle wasn't moving the carbs at all so I made a longer stud for right at the carbs. I also noticed that the idle screw on the top carb was stuck shut so I adjusted that. I took it out and it seemed fine at low speeds but when I went wot it would not plane and when it was about to it would bogg down. I didn't think that it was electrical because it did run but if you want me to kend, I will get a tester and give you the results. What do you think? And could someone PLEASE post a pick of the linkage at the carbs at idle and wot to make sure I have mine set up right. Thanks.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: sportjet 90 issues

You need to check carb sinc and throttle adjustment , Remove the air box so you can look down the carbs , Set the throttle at WOT (engine off ) and be sure all the butterflies are level and flat , if they have any angle to them you need to adjust the tie bar and the throttle linkage until all carbs are the same , flat butterflies at wot , be aware that you can open them too much and they will start closing again on the down side of center . Once this is ok back the throttle down to idle position and be sure you barely contact the throttle cam . Also check all idle air adjustment screws they should be 1 1/2 torns out from closed .. then check timing 30 degrees BTDC at wot IN THE WATER tied off to a dock


Jul 11, 2010
Re: sportjet 90 issues

Will do, I will post results as soon as I can.