Sportjet 120 experts, come right in!


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
So my trusty little sugar sand heat 120 is giving me a headache this year... Its been one thing after another, starter died, trailer hub went out, bilge hose popped off, then trailer bunk broke, this weekend it pulled a new trick out of its hat. I haven't had it on the water in running shape this year yet!

Anyway, went to unload it, it started a little harder than normal but started and ran. Drove maybe 15 minutes from the ramp to the dock, at various speeds between idle and WOT. Ran great the entire time. Pulling into the dock, it died, and wouldn't restart no matter what. It has spark, I tested with starting fluid. (yes, i know, not a great idea but this was starting fluid meant for 2 strokes, with lube in it) On starting fluid it fires and runs for a couple seconds.

Anyway, so here is where it gets weird. It sits for a couple hours, I try again, and it fires right up. I sprint over to the ramp to load back up (15 minutes or so again), and it dies while waiting for the trailer, never to restart again.

Summary, runs for 15 minutes, dies, then won't restart for a couple hours, even though it has spark. I'm assuming it is fuel pump related, is there an easy way to test anything out on the fuel system? I haven't had a chance to dig in much yet, but those SJ120's have a vacuum pulse pump? Blocked pickup maybe? It can suck enough in the hoses for 15 minutes and then no more?

(if it matters, this boat MIGHT have been run out of gas late last year. The tank was very close to empty this spring, it must have been running on fumes the last time it was loaded.)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Sportjet 120 experts, come right in!

Sounds like a fuel pump issue , engine gets hot diaphragm gets hot and streaches , Do you have the square single stage pump or the dual stage "figure 8" pump ? Either way that is a very safe place to start if you need part numbers post up which pump you have and I will post part numbers .
BTW if you do a fuel flow test remember it should be a steady flow , A pulse flow is an indication of a stretched diaphragm .
There is also a chance that your carb vents are clogged or restricted and the carbs are vapor locking the floats. but this usually results in the opposite , engine flooding with fuel.