Bought a new SeaRay last year, with the 4.3L 190 HP Mercruiser V-6 engine. It is NOT fuel-injected, it has a carburetor with "TKS" (Turn Key Start). I keep the boat at my summer cottage, about 300 miles from home. I bought the boat from a SeaRay dealer near home, but I have it serviced at the marina on the lake where I use it. That marina is a Mercruiser approved service facility, but not a SeaRay dealer.
The marina (service manager AND their lead mechanic) tells me that the engine requires Iridium spark plugs. They base this on two things: 1) the boat was delivered from the factory with Iridium plugs (they saw this the very first time they removed the spark plugs from my boat -- no one else had touched the boat prior); and 2) the technical data sticker mounted on the engine itself has a line for spark plugs, and it lists an Iridium type part number. I checked this sticker, and they are correct, it says "Spark Plug: AC41-101" which is in fact an Iridium plug (although strangely, this is an automotive spark plug number, not a marine spark plug).
The dealer (service manager and one of their mechanics) tells me that the engine does NOT require Iridium plugs. They base this on three things: 1) they say that only the fuel-injected engines require Iridium; the carbureted version does not; 2) they looked it up in their Mercruiser (or maybe SeaRay?) on-line parts book, by year/make/model AND by my boat's serial number, and the part number for spark plugs is the standard type plug, not Iridium; 3) they double checked to see if there were any Service Bulletins for my boat that superceded the parts book, and there were no Service Bulletins regarding spark plugs -- hence the parts book is still correct.
According to the dealer, the correct spark plug is AC Delco MR43LTS, which is a marine-grade platinum plug. The Mercruiser part number is 33-862029.
I asked the dealer why the boat had Iridium plugs as delivered by the factory, if Iridiium is not required. They said that new boats often come through this way from the factory, it is OK to use the Iridium plugs even though they are not required, so the factory sometimes installs Iridium perhaps because that's what they had on hand when this engine was assembled. I have not yet asked the dealer why the technical data sticker on the engine lists the Iridium plug.
The iridium plugs cost about 3 times as much as the platinum plugs. WHO IS RIGHT?
Also -- less important but I am curious -- why is the Iridium plug an automotive plug, not a marine-grade plug? Are all Iridium plugs inherently "marine grade", without being any different from the automotive version?
Thanks for any advice/help.
The marina (service manager AND their lead mechanic) tells me that the engine requires Iridium spark plugs. They base this on two things: 1) the boat was delivered from the factory with Iridium plugs (they saw this the very first time they removed the spark plugs from my boat -- no one else had touched the boat prior); and 2) the technical data sticker mounted on the engine itself has a line for spark plugs, and it lists an Iridium type part number. I checked this sticker, and they are correct, it says "Spark Plug: AC41-101" which is in fact an Iridium plug (although strangely, this is an automotive spark plug number, not a marine spark plug).
The dealer (service manager and one of their mechanics) tells me that the engine does NOT require Iridium plugs. They base this on three things: 1) they say that only the fuel-injected engines require Iridium; the carbureted version does not; 2) they looked it up in their Mercruiser (or maybe SeaRay?) on-line parts book, by year/make/model AND by my boat's serial number, and the part number for spark plugs is the standard type plug, not Iridium; 3) they double checked to see if there were any Service Bulletins for my boat that superceded the parts book, and there were no Service Bulletins regarding spark plugs -- hence the parts book is still correct.
According to the dealer, the correct spark plug is AC Delco MR43LTS, which is a marine-grade platinum plug. The Mercruiser part number is 33-862029.
I asked the dealer why the boat had Iridium plugs as delivered by the factory, if Iridiium is not required. They said that new boats often come through this way from the factory, it is OK to use the Iridium plugs even though they are not required, so the factory sometimes installs Iridium perhaps because that's what they had on hand when this engine was assembled. I have not yet asked the dealer why the technical data sticker on the engine lists the Iridium plug.
The iridium plugs cost about 3 times as much as the platinum plugs. WHO IS RIGHT?
Also -- less important but I am curious -- why is the Iridium plug an automotive plug, not a marine-grade plug? Are all Iridium plugs inherently "marine grade", without being any different from the automotive version?
Thanks for any advice/help.