spark knock


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 3, 2008
Been pulling my hair out trying to solve a small problem with our boat. Purchased and installed a rebuilt short block over the winter. Everything went fine and was running good during the break in period. Its a 93 SeaRay with a 4.3L.

After break in and we could take it over 400 rpm's we have notice a knock or pop at around 4200 rpm's never does it before can run all day at 4000. It never does it on take off when demand is highest and will develop say 30 secs or so once 4200 rpm's is reach and pop ever 10 or 15 secs, but always back it off after one or 2 pops.

As part of the rebuild we install a new Delco Voyager distributor, finding the correct timing setting has been an issue but after several talks with the head tech where we purchased the engine, 4 degrees seems to be the correct one. Under his advise I have tried changing it from 8 to -6 going one degree at a time, and have the same results at same rpms.

Its also not reaching the recommended WOT, which for this boat is 4800, its maxing out at the 4200. We are using same prop size and pitch that we use on the old motor and it reached 4800 with no problem at all.

Have changed plugs a couple times, first set where nice and tan, second set had a some black soot on them, we have switched to a higher octane fuel which I thought might be causing this. Have changed fuel filter and water seperator filter. Checked fuel for water seems to be none.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: spark knock

Have you checked what the timing does through the RPM range? Is it advancing properly?

Have you checked the compression?

Checking the plugs is good but you need to pull them after a high speed run with little or no idle since a slightly rich carb at idle will confuse your read.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: spark knock

It never does it on take off when demand is highest

Ayuh,... At Wot the demand is the highest,...
Check the fuel delivery,...

It's goin' Lean...


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 3, 2008
Re: spark knock

How would I check fuel delivery? rebuilt carb last year. No vacuum line on this 4.3L. Yes have checked advance at different rpm ranges and they are all good. Havn't checked compression yet, but have been thinking about it.

So is fuel demand considerable higher at WOT then on take off, the crazy thing is it runs great at 4000 rpms and on take off its the quickest to plane that it has ever been, with no bog whatsoever.

Would love to just take it in and have it fixed but none of our mechanics are on water and afraid they will just set the timing with muffs and say it should be fine.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2005
Re: spark knock

How would I check fuel delivery?

Great checklist/tutorial in the adults only section.

...No vacuum line on this 4.3L.

It still has a carb with a gasket and an intake manifold with more than one gasket that can be leaking.

So is fuel demand considerable higher at WOT then on take off...

Fuel demand at 5000rpm is roughly double what is needed at 2500rpm.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 3, 2008
Re: spark knock

I sprayed carb cleaner all around intake and carb looking for a leak and got no increase in power.

I understand fuel consumption being higher at higher rpm's but wouldn't when dumping the throttle down at take off increase consumption enough to cause a problem. Maybe trying to assimilate it to much to a car with a bad accelerator pump and how when you stomp on the gas it bogs down initially until fuel is recovered


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: spark knock

Have changed plugs a couple times, first set where nice and tan, second set had a some black soot on them,

Ayuh,... That says the fuel system is compromised, in that it was runnin' nearly ideal fuel ratio,....
But is now Way Rich,...
Black Soot is raw unburnt Fuel.... It's Too Rich now...

Sounds like a Carb problem...


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 3, 2008
Re: spark knock

I had a feeling i adjusted air mixture screw out to much making it to rich, would that could that cause detonation and spark knock?

Also, whats the feeling on running boat at wot, the head tech where we bought the rebuild suggests its not a good idea to run it there, and that since my spark knock problem is at 4200 rpm, I should leave well enough alone at just run it under that rpm. Not sure if I should of started a new post on wot or not


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: spark knock

Your idle mixture screw has little to zero affect at speeds other than idle.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 3, 2008
Re: spark knock

Really I thought that was part of what controled the rich/lean mixture at all speeds. It would cause the black soot on the plugs?


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2005
Re: spark knock

Idle mixture screws adjust the A/F ratio at idle only. Mixture later is controled by jets and/or rods, which are not adjustable - only replacement will change the settings.

You can set the carb as rich as you'd like, but if you fuel system can no longer support it - it will still lean out.

If you tech suggested reducing RPM as the fix for a lean condition - you need to find a new tech...