Re: Soon to be new boat owner and skier
My suggestion is to narrow your search down to three or four comparable brands and determine what models best for your use. Then, do research on for comparable hulls to find out the performance. Hit the internet on, and and any other boat sites you run up on looking for your preferred brand and model boat--new and used. It will give you relativity in the retail market.
Contrary to popular belief, the boat business presently stinks, with established manufacturers and dealerships dropping like flies. Retail customers are not knocking down boat dealers' doors this year, as it's a buyer's market. It is pretty easy online to figure out who is the dominant boat dealer in your retail market, and who's willing to compete for your business through low prices. I like buying local, but I am willing to drive a little to save a lot.
And I agree to always buy the biggest motor you can afford. The 4.3 motor is a great motor, but it's not enough to pull up two 220 lb men on slalom skis. On a 17'-19' boat, it performs very well when up to speed--especially the higher horsepower version. Of course, a good skier is much easier to get up to speed than an inexperienced skier.