Re: Son wants to do a catfish contest
OK, the longer version....<br /><br />First off, in case I have given the wrong impression, my son just turned 18. Since he was 16 and had to get a NY fishing licence, I have treated him as any other fihing partner. He is expected to give and receive "trash" talk, expected to hold-up his end of the boat, handling anchor or whatever, share and voice his opinion on what pattern or location to try, etc. <br /><br /><br />THE SAGA:<br /><br />Timeline:<br />Friday Night: Senior Prom, son gets home at 3:30AM.<br /><br />Awake at 5:30Am and leave for contest registration. Son waits in line while I launch boat, and "claim" our piece of shoreline, by erecting a lean-to tarp tent, placing two plastic adironadak style chairs and cooler (live well) between them. Back to launch, trailer boat, and head back and register, head for home.<br /><br />Son gets a few more hours of sleep. Awake at 1PM, I drop him off at his part-time job, and I head to launch boat and start fishing. Put out two poles, one with shrimp, other with 2 nightcrawlers. Cast and have them on edge of the deeper water. BTW, all poles were converted to bell sinkers, set about three feet below hook. Given the angle of our lines, it would suspend bait about a foot/foot and a half, above bottom. No bites for 3-4 hours, and switch shrimp for liver. One small bite on the nightcrawler, but doesn't "take" it. 9:15Pm, pick-up son at boat ramp. Set out his two poles. We now have 4 different baits out. Shrimp, night crawlers, chicken liver, and 5-6" chub minnows. Lines are brought up into slightly shallower water. Darkness falls (new moon), lantern and campfire started. <br /><br />(to be continued...)<br />Forgot to add, that boat traffic was constant. Almost all boats that pasted, were in the derby.<br />We fish and talk to after midnight, no bites. Checked and moved baits a few times. Boat trafic has now stopped, except for a very occasional careful creep bye. We both start dozing off, sleeping for a an hour at a time, waking up, and checking poles, add a log to the fire, etc. This continues till first light. Around 5AM, I wake and start checking the bait on the poles, as I am reeling in the first pole, pole #4 gets pulled of its holder. I grab pole and set the hook. First fish! I wake Joe while fighting a fish. He does a sleep trance thing for a few seconds, but then finds net and assumes the position. Landed fish, and we are pumped. Change bait on one of the other poles to the large chub minnows(what cat hit). Boat traffic slowly picks-up <br /><br />After a while we put breakfast on the fire (foil packets), and have a nice hot breakfast. This was in plain view of 3 guys stopped fishing just above us. Probably made it taste a little better
No more bites, after the fish. We started packing items around 8AM, and finally break camp, around 9AM. Two trips to the ramp, and done. We talk to many people before driving off. Many have caught no cats (lots oof carp), and many boats had only 1-2 cats for the 2-3 people in the boat. Our single 4lb cat, seem to grow or we at least felt a little better about it, the more we taked about it. On the way back, we see that the weigh in park is absolutly crowded. Decide not to fight through the tightly packed cars/trucks/boats/campers/etc, and head for home, to catch a little more sleep. Son had to be back to work at 2PM. We received derby stats after.<br /><br />After all this, and my son getting some time management experiene for college, I think we both have new respect for catfish. Targeting cats, was not as easy as we first thought. Would we enter again, absolutely. Would we camp/fish the shore, absolutely. Would we do that for the contest again, no, we would probably use our mid-size boat, to keep moving, and be more competitive. Would also need to pre-fish a couple of weekends prior. All good advice that was offered here. <br /><br />Thanks to everyone that helped out. Appreciate your time. Will post pics once we use up the rest of the film roll.