I am still seeing "2" under the login name/icon. Actually, I had "3" (or more) but I only have two (received) messages? Along with that, how to REPLY? or FWD?
No pun intend... but this website could do an overhaul. Whenever I move the mouse, the dropmenu pops over the screen (should make 'em in a click, then side slide menu, as most current websites are today). Even when drop the menu, then try to go to submenu, often it disappears (have to do it slow and carefully). And... solid white background... err...
Oh, also, uploading photos... recently I upload 5 photos (appears to be embedded), then double check the post, it's all there. Came back little later, all is gone (but the thread/post still had all that vast empty space). After played around a little, it came back, but in different format (little icons, have to click each one, twice, to see bigger photo, but still not as "full" as it was before in original post).
Spell check (including red lines) sometimes works, often not.
Web Design and Development (I have both certs), it's been so long for me (HTML4/CSS2, now both are a number up).