SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2003
I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with this problem i have encountered, i was going down the canal at idle speed, when all of the sudden my 100 hp johnson outboard stalled, when i tried to start the motor agian it made a really high pitched grinding noise, ( like a starter sounds on a car after it blows ) i must admit, im not the brightest star in the sky when it comes to outboards, any info givin i will try, thank you

jim dozier

Lieutenant Commander
Jan 8, 2003
Re: SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DON'T SHOUT!<br />Pull the cover and look at the teeth on the outer edge of the flywheel. Observe the starter motor when the bendix drive engages (or fails to) the teeth on the flywheel. From your description the bendix (the sliding spring loaded gear on the top of the starter motor) is not fully engaging the flywheel. Perhaps it just needs a little oil on the bendix shaft. I am assuming that the engine was in fact conked out and not still running when you had the "incident". How did you get home did it do it again or just the one time?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2003
Re: SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wene it happened it wouldnt start agian i was towed in but i found the problem, it was that the bolt that mount the starter in place they broke off so i retapped them and remount it so that it engages and hits the flyweel, thank you very much for repling came in handy