some tips to help out heinz


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2004
for when things were lean for me and mine<br /><br />on the cooking side... I always bought for 2 meals...for instance...<br /><br />Flank steak or beef tips...steak 1 night..steak tacos/burritos the next<br /><br />I would cook a brisket and get 2 meals out of it<br /><br />Go back to the foods grandma would make..chili, chicken and dumplings, meatloaf, flank steaks the reason she made those type food was because it was cheap!!<br /><br />cook a large full sized chicken 1 day and then on the third day bread the left over and fry them up for chicken nuggets/tenders<br /><br />buy real poatotos for french fries just soak them in cold water for an hour before frying...<br /><br />learn the nuisance of a crock pot...pot roast etc<br /><br />cook outside in summer for every watt you put into a house it takes 3 to get it back out. I even would take our toaster oven out in the summer.<br /><br />But cook inside in the winter<br /><br />get rid of long distance if you have a cell phone<br /><br />review your car insurance use the internet to get some quotes<br /><br />If you leave near a BJ's wholesale club let me know I can give a 2nd membership for free, or find a friend that has a wholesale club membership, they usually allow 1 extra person per card<br /><br />Find some older people in the neighborhood that need some work done..leaves, grass etc the problem is that todays kids wont work and they cant find reliable people to do things for can easily pick up some extra cash easy.<br /><br />EBAY - look around the house for the things you have not touched in the last 3 years. I sold a blown briggs and stratton 5hp engine for $40 to a local person you would be suprised what people are willing to buy!<br /><br />Temperture I was able to cut my heat bill down to 100 by lowering the temp to 60 during the day when no one was around but me..a bit chilly but stoke the fireplace or throw on a sweatshirt.<br /><br /> hit it for in expensive recipes as well.<br /><br />Most small companies are not willing to pay cash for work, set up tax id number with the IRS so that you can do odd jobs for companies and they can pay you with a 1099...just be sure you pay the taxes that you need or you could get into more trouble...then once you have this number go around to stores that deliver things and give the manager a brief want to tell them if they have someone out sick or need some temporary help to give you a buzz...<br /><br /><br />any other tips?


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 15, 2003
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Why do this?<br /><br />"buy real poatotos for french fries just soak them in cold water for an hour before frying..."<br /><br />I never soak mine in cold water. How does that help? I'll do it if there is a good reason.<br /><br />I like the list and would add possibly.<br /><br />"Get rid of home phone and keep the cell phone as your primary."<br /><br />Has anybody done this? I've often thought of doing so, but right before we bought our cell phones, I bought a $185 cordless phone that has a speaker phone, etc. It works great when my parents want to speak with grandkids. Plus we don't get too many true "telemarketer" calls anymore, just "surveys" from time to time.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 18, 2001
Re: some tips to help out heinz

I thought about ditching the land-line and goning with just the cell phone but had a couple of mortgage guys/gals tell me, "No phone, no loan." Apparently they don't view cell phones as "permanent."


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: some tips to help out heinz

We ditched the land line last spring. We use our cell phones as primary numbers and have not had any problems. Besides the savings, not having pest calls makes it worthwhile. We saved about $75 a month so we ordered RoadRunner for the computer and still come out $30 or so ahead. <br />The only drwback I've found is when I looked into changing from cable to satelite they told me I had to have an active phone line to the house.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: some tips to help out heinz

The only other downside that I experience is when I am on the phone for long periods of time. Cell phones are not comfortable for long calls so I got a headset. And, with free long distance, I tend to be on a long time. :)


Jun 16, 2004
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Pinto beans and Corn Bread are a good inexpensive meal. Beans, with fresh onion, grated cheddar and Jalepeno peppers, along with some corn bread is gooood. :)


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2004
Re: some tips to help out heinz

the reason you soak the potatoes is to get the starch out of them..the water will turn cloudy with the starch so then the potatos cook better.<br /><br />Directtv says you need a line line but mine has never been hooked up. However, you can only order movies over the internet or the phone not from the screen, which is why they need the phone line.<br /><br />We only gave up the long distance land line...we kept the local one, we were paying for 2 long distance services, land and cell...


May 1, 2002
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Thanks guys! I already cut down on phone plan(I have cell too)cut down internet connection to 64K and just basic cable TV(saved $25 a mo. w/ those), we grocery shop at Food 4 Less(Great savings but you bag your own, big deal), already trimmed car ins., sold boat and trailer($40 a mo. storage) and got second hand truck(have 92 Jeep too), don't use heat, get fireplace gas for free, heats aptmt., use ceiling fan in summer and winter, really helps)use A/C MAYBE 2 weeks out of year sparingly, bbq during winter, burgers, chops, chicken - cut down on red meat, it's more expensive, and we always get creative w/ leftovers - ordered chineses other night for $22, came out o 4-5 meals! Make sons lunch AND mine, saves at least $5 a day, do only full loads laundry, always cook(thats really where we save, eating out is EXPENSIVE!)But keep the hints comin! Thanks Heinz<br />P.S. If I succeed in quittin smoking, will save lots!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 25, 2003
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Your local extension office--you know, the 4-H folks--often offer a financial counselling program at no cost to you that may be right up your alley.<br /><br />Start keeping a record of every penny you spend, and see if there is not a program like that where you live.<br /><br />I am a former volunteer with the program, and spent a lot of time with clients. It really helped those who really wanted to make it work.<br /><br />Good Luck,<br />Jinx


Jun 16, 2004
Re: some tips to help out heinz

we grocery shop at Food 4 Less(Great savings but you bag your own, big deal)
Warehouse food stores are not always as inexpensive as you are led to believe. We have a chain here, that advertises great savings. I cornered someone at their corporate office one day and they confessed that on a $200 purchase, buying store brand, the difference between their warehouse store and their full service store was $5. <br /><br />I used to work with a guy who shopped the scratch and dent grocery stores. He claimed to save a ton and not have any problems. As long as the dents are not along the seams, the cans are supposed to be ok. <br /><br />
P.S. If I succeed in quittin smoking, will save lots!
Good luck, you will save a ton from what I can tell. I have never smoked, but growing up, my parents would get cigarettes at the base for $5. I cant believe what I see them for nowadays.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: some tips to help out heinz

With the home phone, watch if you cut out long distance. Most phone companies charge an extra fee if you do not have a long distance carrier. <br /><br />Also stay with same insurance carrier for vehicles if you have a good rate, but raise deductables on vehicles. <br /><br />Check into buying meat in quantities. If you like steak then try to find a quarter or a half. We have in the past got a half and split it with someone. It saved over a dollar a pound for the hamburger. Works with pork too, got a side of pork and had it processed. Check processing fees first.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Coffee instead of soda for your caffeine fix.<br />Kool aid or water instead of soda or juice.<br />Antennae instead of cable.<br />Landline or cell, not both.<br />Compact florescent lightbulbs, are next to free with the rebates and sales, save lots on electric.<br />No magazine subscriptions.<br />Reduce or eliminate anything that uses batteries.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Here are some notes from MY Financial Management Class: <br /><br />Tips To Savings - Avoid The Pitfalls!<br /><br />AVOID:<br /><br />1. Early Pay-Off Restrictions<br />2. Pre-Paid Interest<br />3. Passbook Savings (if in a high interest economy)<br />4. Door-to-Door sales (including telephone sales)<br />5. Seasonal Recreational Equipment (unless you can pay cash...better to rent unless renting each year costs almost as much as payments, storage fees, insurance, etc. - yes, that includes boats)<br />6. Co-Signing a Loan (unless you are willing to GIVE person the money)<br />7. Loaning Money in excess of what you are willing to give<br />8. Home Mortgage Insurance (It is usually more costly than if you had simply increased your life insurance policy by that value. Remember, they add the cost on to the loan & then you pay interest on it!)<br />9. Setting Fashion Trends<br />10. Top-of-the-Line Model (is it really necessary?)<br />11. Uncapped Variable Interest<br />12. Grocery Shopping:<br />* A. At a Convenience Store<br />* B. When You Are Hungry (impulse buying)<br />* C. With No List (impulse buying)<br />* D. Daily (plan ahead to take advantage of sales & coupons)<br />* E. Excessive Amounts of Convenience (pre-packaged) Foods (prepare your own snacks, meals, etc.)<br />13. Credit Cards Used As Loans - the high interest paid on Credit Cards will kill any budget.<br /><br />HOW TO SAVE:<br /><br />1. Consider a Car-Pool<br />2. Do As Many Repairs Yourself As Possible (if it is beyond your skill level, don't create more of a problem than you already have)<br />3. Most Utilities Offer Different Rates, Have You Asked?<br />4. Check For Dripping Faucets<br />5. Showers Use Less Water Than Baths<br />6. Turn Your Hot Water Heater Off When On Vacation<br />7. Let Food Cool Down Before Placing It Into Refrigerator<br />8. Turn Off Lights & T.V. When You Leave The Room<br />9. Clean Your Windows (dirty windows & screens restrict the flow of sunlight & heat that may enter your home)<br />10. Buy Surge Protectors To Protect Most Expensive Investments<br />11. Place Your Long Distance Calls At Night & On Weekends Whenever Possible (or use cell phone and get rid of long distance plan)<br />12. Use Directory Assistance As A Last Resort & Review Long Distance Charges<br />13. Avoid Telephone Credit Cards & Discontinue Any Unneeded Telephone Service<br />14. Mend Clothes Instead of Replacing Them<br />15. Shop For Specials & Buy Quantity When Feasible<br />16. Talk to Creditors. You will be surprised how lenient most creditors will be at renegotiating loans and payments if they know there is a desire to pay off the loan (works well with credit card companies in reducing the interest rate - they would rather get 6% interest than nothing at all).<br />17. Get Yourself a Good Mennonite Cookbook - it will teach you how to cook from scratch. My wife no longer buys cake mixes, Bisquick, etc. They are all made from scratch and much cheaper).


Jun 16, 2004
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Good list Aspeck. All sound suggestions.

Heinz CA.

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 6, 2002
Re: some tips to help out heinz

You *******s.....WONDERFUL ones at that!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />I am sitting here dumbfounded. Ya email me, ya IM me, ya send msgs through here.........Mind ya I dont pee sittin down, but DAMN! THANK YOU! I really appreciate your helpful comments and money saving tips! Keep em coming! I'm already doing most of them BUT EVERYONE has a good addition! Thank you SOOO much! I read then ALL, "we'll" be fine and especially on your guys advice! Right now I'm speachless(rare) DAMN! Thank YOU! Heinz(and Karl- 6)


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Here's a biggie.<br />Move to Nevada. :) <br /><br />I hope you still have your fishing gear.<br />Makes a great way to spend a day with your son, with or without a boat.<br /><br />Near a major university? Have an extra bedroom?<br />Look for a masters or phd student that is in town for classes only one or two days a week, and needs a bed for a night or two before heading home.

Heinz CA.

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 6, 2002
Re: some tips to help out heinz

Naw I hate Nevada! Damn druggie captial of the U.S! Although no state taxes. Yup have all fishing gear, ALWAYS! :) We've always fished since he was 2. Just no time lately - and waiting for our pond to get done refilling(they had to clean it out). Hell we hadn't used boat in 6 mos. and was costin me $40 a mo. storage, sold it to get extra/backup vehicle F250 :) as Jeep has 163K and due for some maint. work and didnt wanna be at mercy of late night wrenchin on a work night. We have 2 bed 2 bath apmt., son has other room and even when he's not here(almost 50%) I know we'd feel funny bout someone in his room. But we live pretty simple and hopefully soon can have a decent vacation w/ his sisters and all under control - just stupid ex needs to get a F/T - REAL job,realize she is responsible for her OWN life/support and when she does she'll be much less of a burden to all. My God 38 and STILL can't support yourself??? Is why I drilled into daughters heads to get a career goin FIRST! Take care, Heinz

Heinz CA.

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 6, 2002
Re: some tips to help out heinz

New recipes(always) Last night I got 2 chicken breasts(get em in 6-8 packs) used last weekends leftover greean and red bell peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes, made olive oil and spice marinade, wrapped all in double foil, bbqd for 30 mins! The juices in wrap marinated chicken , WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM! Son said best chicken ever! :) :) :) Cost, hmmmm.....maybe $3-$4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!