Some information on bleeding yamaha oil injection system


Jun 2, 2014
I just finished up figuring out how to get all the air out of the lines on my 1989 Yamaha 40elf and let me tell you it was a PITA. The owners manual does a **** job for details on this procedure and it was a procedure. On my model the pump has 2 bleed screws one up top and one on the bottom right hand side. In the manual it only shows the top so for two days I had only been trying to bleed the top without any success air kept getting introduced into the lines... very frustrating... So my neighbor who has a 2003 Yamaha 40 said come over lets check out mine, etc.. I look and saw his pump is a little different and only had the one lower bleed screw and some other minor changes. So the light bulb went off and figured out I had to bleed both..

Anyway heres how I bled the system I opened both screws up almost all the way out while running the motor on 50:1 premix.. BTW the lines i installed are clear. unhook the linkage from the throttle to the pump so you can let the lever go fully forward so the pump is pushing as much oil as possible. Give a little throttle so the engine is slightly higher than idle and watch the lines once it looks like a solid stream from all three close off the top screw. Then let the oil run all the way to the intake and give it a few more seconds then close the bottom one while the motor is still running. It seemed that the top screw would let air into the system and the bottom was more precise at removing all residual air. In order to get to the bottom bleed screw I had to unhook my fuel filter from the bracket and let it hang outside the motor, and I also had to remove the one bolt holding the pump to the motor.

If you ever remove the oil lines and blow them out, etc you need to bleed the system. Hopefully this will help someone else out, so they don't have the headache I had...