Some friendly advice needed please


Apr 25, 2012
Hello! New to boating and to the forum.
A Couple years ago I bought a 2008 Zodiac Zoom 310s new. Took it out to a lake and paddled around and packed it up and went home with the honest intention of getting a outoard for her. It's been in the shed all folded up since then. But tomorrow I will look at a pals old honda and perhaps even buy it! My purpose of getting the dang boat in the first place was for fishig.
I was wondering how long of a line I should get for anchoring...and how heavy of a anchor would I even need. :confused:
Anyway looking forward to being a active member and thanks!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 17, 2010
Re: Some friendly advice needed please

Hello! New to boating and to the forum.
A Couple years ago I bought a 2008 Zodiac Zoom 310s new. Took it out to a lake and paddled around and packed it up and went home with the honest intention of getting a outoard for her. It's been in the shed all folded up since then. But tomorrow I will look at a pals old honda and perhaps even buy it! My purpose of getting the dang boat in the first place was for fishig.
I was wondering how long of a line I should get for anchoring...and how heavy of a anchor would I even need. :confused:
Anyway looking forward to being a active member and thanks!

I hope the motor works out for you.

A rule of thumb for minimum anchor line (rode) is three times the max depth of water you plan to anchor in. More is obviously better. The anchor doesn't have to be huge (I have a 2kg bruce anchor on my 15' boat) but you need a chain that is at least as long as the boat. The chain lays on the bottom and keeps the anchor in a position where it will set properly.

Keep it all in a crate or 5 gallon bucket drilled with drain holes.

BTW don't forget to lock the shackles connecting the anchor and chain with a wrap of stainless steel wire.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 22, 2012
Re: Some friendly advice needed please

I used to buy anchors for fishing but I got tired of hanging them up on rocks and either losing them or being mad after fighting to get them free. I tried a bunch of different styles and nothing seemed to fit all the bottom situations I'd run into. Finally, a friend of mine suggested just filling a large coffee can (plastic) with cement and sticking an eye bolt in it. Well, I'll be danged, best anchors I've ever owned. Now mind you, this is not going to hold the Queen Mary or even a 18' boat in rough water conditions but for the average day out on the lake they work great.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 7, 2009
Re: Some friendly advice needed please

Since it is a small boat and you will always be in it, I would vote for a small mushroom anchor and maybe 4ft of chain...maybe. No need for a 3:1 scope as it is a light boat and again you will be onboard. If the anchor slips you can just reset it. I have seen and used the most excellent coffee can filled with concrete and an eye bolt. So happens they work quite well actually.

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Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2009
Re: Some friendly advice needed please

I agree with the above posts. Avoid the little folding anchors. They never seem to grab hold to anything. Jondavies storage bucket suggestion is a good one. On top of the anchor and line go the sandwiches and water bottles.
