Some day I will die!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
To date I am in pretty decent shape. However, my ticker is kept functioning my the miracle of modern pharmaceuticals and I consider myself to be a ticking time bomb. Who knows though, maybe I will be around longer than I am able to do the things that you see in this forum.

Here is my point though. I have spent most of my adulthood going the extra mile in getting things done the right way. Many of my possessions I have had for a long time. They all contain features and repairs that were often as not, better than original. This even extends to special tools to perform certain functions better than you could do otherwise.

As time marches on I become more aware of my mortality. I also see all these things around me that will be a shame to go unappreciated to the junk heap or end up with someone who does not have a clue. My son, for one, might have some appreciation for the things his dear daddy has but he is 3k miles away and would simply not be able to avail himself of all the treasures.

Anyone else have these thoughts of this dilemna?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 9, 2012
Re: Some day I will die!

Find a young packrat near you and mentor him or her. :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Some day I will die!

While everything still seems to be ticking in order for myself in my mid 40's, we all get that we are going to bite the bullet one of these days feelings once in a while.

Tools are tools, toys are toys, if your still able to use both that's great.
You put the extra effort in for your benefit so it pays off for you in the long run.

Others may not care, but you did not do this for them did you!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 20, 2012
Re: Some day I will die!

Dont worry about it -- don"t trash your past either .. i am a bad ticker person also but not going to trash anything when i go -
Btw= i AM UP for my third pacemaker replacement so one never knows when his time is up . With the miracle of medician ,, you may out-live me and that i expect to happen in, ohh,, lets say next 100 years. It will take that long for me to get caught up on all my projects here on earth .


Sep 24, 2004
Re: Some day I will die!

I watch the show about people who have been clinically dead and brought back to life. None of them have said they focused on material things during their experience. In fact, I think death is supposed to show us have little importance material things are supposed to be in this world. We don't own really a thing. We are all just renters. Completely an illusion and a delusion to think otherwise.
But you can give your things to me. I will appreciate them :D


Jun 1, 2010
Re: Some day I will die!

Having gone through a couple life threatening and life changing expierences, I can only speak for myself. I have slimmed down to only a few possessions. Some of this was done to aid my family should I pass, some was done to put a smile on somebody's face. Over the years I went from a 3 bedroom house with a 2 stall garage full of tools and boatbuilding supplies to a couple tupperware boxes of prized possessions and my tools needed for what I do for a living.

I am living much happier having done this. No worries here if I should pass.

I wish you the best of luck, Boomyal!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Some day I will die!

Been there, Boomer. Spent the last couple of days in the Cardiac Unit. Gotta go back 12/3/12 for cath and likely multiple bypass. My heart is already more repair parts than OEM.:facepalm:

Don't worry about your "stuff". They, and your descendants, are your immortality.

Wishing you the best, Boomer. You are much appreciated here.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Some day I will die!

Boom and I sat down for a bite to eat at a local Pub a few years ago, he's a good guy in person too.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Some day I will die!

Boom and I sat down for a bite to eat at a local Pub a few years ago, he's a good guy in person too.

Thanks ondarvr, how ya doin? I always recalled that bite, every time I drove up Hwy 99. Sad note, though. That Hazel Dell Brew Pub just closed it's doors sometime this year. Another victim of this shaky economy.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Some day I will die!

As to what to do with "stuff".....hard to say. My father was a collector of those tools, he didn't use them, but he shopped every estate sale and picked up boxes of tools with all sorts of custom made wrenches and other items. I now have many of those items, still in the boxes he brought them home in, it's hard to imagine what the builder/customizer of the item needed it for. At one time I used tools on a daily basis, not only to make a living, but to do all my own repairs on everything I owned, plumbing, heating, cooling, appliances, solar hot water, automotive, roofing, electrical, construction, etc. I still have all the tools to do that type of work, but don't use them all that much anymore. My 2 sons are in their late 20s and I don't know if they even own a screw driver or a pair of pliers, it's just a different life. So it looks like all the "stuff" I have will end up going to some guy that shops estate sales and brings home boxes of low value priceless treasures.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Some day I will die!

Having become an estate sale junkie in recent years, I understand your thoughts. The saddest thing is to see 50 people going thru a house, tearing boxes apart and rumaging thru every nook and cranny searching for something to buy. Probably to resell at a garage sale. Even sadder is what you find - many houses are literally full of junk. All that comes to mind is some poor soul is having his life's possessions scattered all over, or to only end up in the dumpster on Monday morning.

I have my own plan! I'm lucky in that all my children live close - in fact we all live on the same street. My daughter-in-law jokingly calls us Frank & Marie.

I have extensive collections of books, outboard motors and the like. All my motors are registered with the AOMCI. My son will select what he wants ahead of time, and when the time comes the rest will all be donated to the club. Valuable items will be willed, but only to those who want them.

I figure when I'm in my 80's I'll start to downsize. Whatever the kids don't want for the long term, I'll sell. It will be time to be on the other side of the garage sale table. In the end the final distribution will go to thje Salvation Army. Not a worthier cause around.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 14, 2009
Re: Some day I will die!

It's just stuff. It won't matter one bit to us when we're gone. As already said leave treasures to someone who will appreciate them and donate the rest if you don't want strangers digging through your stuff.
One man's junk is another man's treasure! :)


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Some day I will die!

What Swabbie said.....................

Wind dog

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 13, 2012
Re: Some day I will die!

A lost my dad 3 years ago, I got 99% of his "stuff" (tools, guns, etc) & I cherish every single item.