Oh yes this does bring back some...well...funny memories now. But it wasn't so funny back then.
Back when I was flying R/C aircraft (decades ago now) there was a carb that hit the market that everybody just had to have on their engines. It was called a Perry Carb. And the carb was built out of a base of plastic that was impervious to the Alcohol, Oils and Nitro Methane fuels we run through them. A friend of mine had such a carb and decided to take it off the engine and clean it.
He put it in the typical carb cleaners where you soaked them for a while and then used compressed air to blow them out and clean. However, when he went to take the carb out of the cleaner solution, there was no carb anymore! Just a few metal parts was all that was left. And that little carb cost about $50 bucks back then. That was a huge amount of money. Sounds funny now, I will admit, but it really wasn't that funny then.
So, if you carb does have plastic parts, I'd forgo the cleaner with the warnings and use something else. I'm sure your carb cost more the $50 bucks! JMHO!