So what is different between my 96 75hp Force and a 96Mercury 75hp?

my new fishmaster

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 11, 2001
I owned a 89 mercury 80 and found the only differnce between the Force is the prop size and the 3 carbs instead of just one and oil injection? Everyone says all these bad things about force but I can not see any difference. Does anyone know the real deal on my 96 75hp.


Jan 25, 2002
Re: So what is different between my 96 75hp Force and a 96Mercury 75hp?

Forces are kind of finicky. I owned a 70 hp for several years and had lots of good luck with it. However, it is important to do a couple of things to assure you years of trouble free operation. First, never use anything but the reccommended spark plug. They are very sensitive to this. Second, if you run in a sandy or saltwater area, always flush the motor a minimum of 5 minutes with clean water after every use. Also, mix your oil just a bit heavy, about 45 to 1. And use high performance gear lube in your lower. Force is not built as well as a Mercury, but the above should give you the same amount of lifespan.


Re: So what is different between my 96 75hp Force and a 96Mercury 75hp?

It was about 96 when Merc. put the Merc. lower units on the Force engines. It was a big improvement but, that's where the similarities end.<br /><br />They're different animals under the cowl.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 31, 2002
Re: So what is different between my 96 75hp Force and a 96Mercury 75hp?

I can clear up the whole Merc/Force thing right now.<br /><br />Force is the old Chrysler Outboard. Bayliner perchased the Chrysler brand.<br />Mercury perchased Bayliner and in the bargin accuired Force.<br />Mercury had made a few changes to try and make Force a reliable motor. Don't get me wrong, Mercury did not put a Force cowling on a Mercury motor. They are NOT the same engine. They have different CID/CC. Mercury has dropped the Force line as of last year. Best thing they could have done. The only way to get a Chrysler/Force to be reliable was to completely overhaul and replace the pistons/rings/reeds/and a few other things I can't remember. But Force is out of the picture :cool: