Sneak away


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 30, 2009
How do you sneak away to go fishing lol its harder than it sounds

Lion hunter

Lieutenant Commander
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Sneak away

Alot depends on what or who your sneaking away from. That's the key element in planning your strategy.

Actually I try and spend equal time playing as fishing and let the kids and wife know what the plans are for the day. If I go fishing one weekend, I'll take the kids and their freinds out to play in the water the next. We have a few lakes with floating swin docks so sometimes I drop the kids off there and go fishing for a while.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 1, 2009
Re: Sneak away

I don't have that issue with fishing. It is golf...but I find that lion hunter hit it on the nail. It is simply a trade of time. Be upfront about your plans and make plan to reciprocate. You will be fine. :cool:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Sneak away

I used to go to herself and announce that we are going fishing, get ready. The kids were always ready.

Once in a while she would say, "Go ahead. I need some alone time, anyway." Usually she was ready pretty quick.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Sneak away

Here is something to chew on! Relationships are about compromise. If you agree with your significant other 100% time life would be good but that rarely happens and might even be boring. I obviously like to boat and fish and my wife and kids learned to like it as well but it was not forced on them as a "you better get to like this" scenario. Or if you let me do this I'll that with you. Or I'm going fishing whether you like it or not. That's a great way to strain a relationship. Nothing like being a sneak to cause distrust in a relationship. It seems our politicians have a problem figuring this out. There are things my wife likes to do that I don't particulary care to do but I go with her when invited and I've made some wonderful friendships in the process. Invite them to go with you on some of your excursions and then ask if it was enjoyable. You will soon determine which events you can do together and which you don't and in that case compromise is in order. Swallow your male pride. You might be surprised to find that she finds fishing (or golf) is fun. The next step in that process is she may find a womens golf league or a guy/gal fishing league to join. When that happens she will likely realize the her man needs his alone time just like she needs time with the girls (usually to talk about their men). How do I know this is true? On this particular day my wife and I celebrated 45 years of wedded bliss so you might say I have a little experience. We fish, camp, boat, travel and do lots of stuff together. We just returned from our R/C field where a large R/C helicopter event was taking place. She enjoys it and enjoys going along when I fly. As an expression of my appreciation, for example I serve her card club gals and clean up after the meal. I look like a hero in her eyes and the card club. That does not mean we are joined at the hip and do everything together. But we do understand each other. Try a little humble pie guys and treat your lady like a lady -- it works and is relatively painless.