Smart Tab Report


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 28, 2003
I recently bought a set of smart tabs for my Mariah 21 ft 4.3l. with a stingray fin.<br />The problem i had when i had bought the boat was excessive list/chinewalk i think is what you call it.<br />The boat would be capable in smooth water of listing to one side or the other on accelaration and dependant on trim position of motor difficult to steer .This was with four people aboard and with no extra equipment to unbalance things.To be fair we shifted seating positions to correct/better the situation to no avail.<br />My wife said that she much prefered my older boat that i had and would not enjoy going out until corrected.<br />I work on the principle "if she is'nt happy then you wo'nt be". <br />So after having read many tab posts here and elsewhere decided to purchase for my boat.<br />I ordered and recieved (promptly may i add)<br />started to fit them.Due to the contours of the hull i had a couple of questions to which i had to ask some advice.Sent a couple of pics to John who then advised me to move the depth finder transducer in order to fit them in the optimuim position.<br />Attached the 2nd gas actuator and found that the end fitting i had mauled and broken to not allow it to attach properly.Hoping to take boat out Good Friday i was annoyed with myself.I rang John and he said he would send out two replacements foc.This was wed. and fri they had arrived.Bingo!<br />If more business's reacted like this there would be a lot more happier people & sucsessfull companies around.<br />Off we set to the lake for trials.<br />Got away from the dock and opened up.<br />No problem to plane,much better than before with just the fin.The steering/listing problem was simply not there no matter where the position of motor trim although revs were obviously affected untill optimised.Speed was not affected as i checked with Gps.<br />Cornering was absolutely wicked ,as before it felt like i would submarine the bow an would have to slow to feel safe.<br />The overall ride across choppy wake and heavy waves was a whole lot smoother.<br />Quote from mail i sent to Nauticus<br />"Totally Impressed with your product.<br />Makes for a safer situation for everybody as well as a more comfortable ride.<br />certainly will advise people to use <br />Many thanks again "<br /><br />Well worth the money and time taken to set up.<br />I would not endorse going fast or pushing any boat to the limit, but knowing that i can plane easy and quicker for better vision and be confident i could turn safely makes me feel better.<br /><br />One happy boater

Jdeagro Partner
Jul 30, 2003
Re: Smart Tab Report

Thanks Admin5 - It is always gratifying to know we have helped. Thanks to Peter as well!