small o/b motor, trolling plate, or drift sock?


May 29, 2003
I'm having problems getting my 90 hp outboard to go slow enough for a good drift speed and would like some advice on which of the above to get. I have found that a 15-20 mph wind will move my 18 ft aluminum boat along perfectly. The small outboard motor would solve all my problems but is obviously the most expensive. The trolling plate sounds like a good idea if I don't forget to lift it back up after trolling. I'm not sure if the drift bag is enough to slow my big motor down, and it may prematurely tear the bag. Isn't the drift bag only supposed to be used for slowing down wind powered drifts? Also, it may be a hassle once you land a fish.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: small o/b motor, trolling plate, or drift sock?

Try the drift sock, I think it will work for you.<br />It is also the cheapest method.<br />Tie a strap or rope near the bow of your boat, from side to side, and attack the sock to the strap. This way, it is under the boat, away from your lines and the fish.<br /><br />Saw this method on tv, and it worked slicker than ....<br />I haven't had a chance to try it yet, maybe next week.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 16, 2004
Re: small o/b motor, trolling plate, or drift sock?

You would know immediately if you forgot to put the plate back up as it wouldn't plane for you. I like the trolling plate as it is hassle free and the sock only works well in open, debris-free water. Sticks and weeds get snagged in the sock and it can get twisted up when making a turn. Just my opinion.

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 8, 2003
Re: small o/b motor, trolling plate, or drift sock?

We just installed a trolling plate on my Dad's boat. It is designed to automagically lift out of the way from the thrust of the prop as the motor is accelerated. So.. as long as it is working properly there is no worry about forgetting to lift it. We havn't tried it out yet but he bought this on advise from some other fishing buddies that swore by it.