Slab Help


Oct 23, 2004
So there I am, fishing for Hybrids at Sooner Res in OK, when my wife starts catching them on beetle spins in 8 ft of water. I know, doesn't fit the normal equation. Anyway, being a man, I had to "Show her how it's really done". I tied on my brand new blue and white slabs (with no idea how to use it) and tried to impress her with my ability to provide for the tribe. Needless to say, I have no idea what I'm doing. Can anyone help me here. How do you fish with a slab? I dropped it down to the bottom and jigged it up. Is this not right? I caught nothing. She killed them with her $1.29 Sassy shad with a spinner. She made me eat her delicious Hybrids Monday night. Then told all her work friends (some of my fishing rivals) how she humiliated me. As you can see, I need help quick, before I lose it all. :mad:


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Slab Help

When they're in water less than 12 or 15 feet I put the slabs aside & toss something shiny; chrome little george & kastmaster spoons are good. Pop'r or tiny torpedo in clear or black/silver. Or move up to a 4" sassy shad on a 1oz jig head fish slow on the bottom & catch the bigger fish in the school - let her have the juveniles. Get some chartruese spike-it & dip the tail, but don't let her see you do it. ;) <br /><br />Slab fishing:<br />1. Use your fishfinder to find some fish. If you find schools of bait the hybrids will be close by. Most likely on top or sides of a hump.<br /><br />2. "Tickle the mud": Drop it to the bottom & just bounce it on the bottom, lift your rod tip maybe 6" to a foot & drop it back down. Like making tea with a teabag in a teacup (but don't raise your pinky). Line has to be slack enough for the lure to flutter but not so slack that you can't feel a strike. Sometimes it's a "soft" bite & you have to set the hook, other times they take it on the run like a freight train.<br /><br />3. If that don't work, try burning it through the school, fast as you can retrieve it for a few turns, jig it some more then burn it again.<br /><br />4. When you catch a fish note the depth; most of your fish for the day will come from depths within +/- 2 or 3 feet. Unless you find a school feeding shallow.<br /><br />When dropping your slab keep your thumb poised on the spool sometimes they'll hit it on the fall.<br /><br />I usually have the best luck with a slab that's got both chartruese and white on it. Sometimes seems like it has to be just plain white, though.<br /><br />Most importantly, get her back out there and show her who the real fisherman is!<br /><br />have fun & post some pics!


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Slab Help

I like using a chrome blue fox. Blade spins so easily and doesn't twist your line as much as a rooster tail even with a swivel. I let it sink to the bottom and as soon as I pick up the lure the blade starts turning. You can fish it very slow right through the school or burn it, whichever they like. The problem you have is that somebody already showed you how! I'd have switched after she caught two fish.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Slab Help

fireman, I've started putting a split ring/barrel swivel on my slabs to alleviate the line twist; doesn't seem to affect the bite, and I have more confidence than a snap swivel, especially when there's a chance of 15lbers & over. :)