hey all i decided to join this group after sifting threw seemingly endless threads of truly helpfull topics. i am very much a newbie when it comes to boats,but am mechanicly inclined and capable aswell. i chose the 1990 maxum with the force 120 ldrive. reason being its a project and only gets used like 4-5 times a yr.plus i find this boat to be sexy and the price was awsome .but with all new projects come lots of stupid questions,and the fact that this boat didnt come with any books at all dosent help. i have and will continue to search the data base here for answers but i will be posting some good questions one day im shur. so my friendship flag is raised leme know if you see it!!<br /> my question is just this, ive read all over that i should be looking to change my impeller.i understand how and all that but im unclear on the why. what happens to them exactly? is there any signs of them going before there gone?